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OK, I can't believe I have to state this but I want to be clear.

1. If you contact me, please be upfront if we have spoken prior on any other site or via any other means. 

I ask people who contact me directly (or indirectly in some cases) clearly state up front if we have spoke in the past. Depending on the situation this might apply to regular comments (see point 2). I'm not asking for real world identities but I want to know if we have had past communications. Seriously people, this is a GIANT TIME SAVER and polite etiquette. This can be prior communication via my main site, my deviantArt, Patreon or any form of communication really. There is no reason you can't say "Hey, I'm so-and-so using this-other-name from this-other-website" when you talk with me. 

I'm all for your well deserved privacy but I've had several repeat conversations and requests from people under various names that ultimately ended up wasting everyone's time. Not to mention I've had a few unsavory users use new accounts to try to influence things on the Patreon and Discord. 

Short story - if you are unsure then saying "Hey Ready, first time writing you" or "Hey Ready, you might know me from X" is the way to start a conversation. Saves us both a ton of time.  

2. Hiding or otherwise not disclosing previous engagements/conversations/bans especially if you are looking to avoid a ban or other punishment risks a second ban and further punishment

It's not worth it, you're not helping your case. I might not find you right away but why risk it? 

Apologies in stating the obvious but as we grow I have had to deal with more and more people who are tempted to engage in new identities in order to avoid punishments or ramifications of past behaviors. Most people don't fall in this category but I feel the need to put this out there for those edge cases who may or may not trickle in.

Thank you so much for your understanding. As I mention - I want us to always be on even footing when communicating.




Thank you! As the Patreon gets bigger and more people join I feel we need to lay down clear rules about the place. I want us to all have a fun community to enjoy!