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Hello everyone!

I did a quick update to the main "About" section in the front. Mostly it was about cleaning up the way rewards are listed and making sure YOU know what you are getting each week and month.

Reward Clarifications

Some of the minor adjustments include the Picarto.tv stuff. All the video rewards and art are still there for Patreons but I did adjust the talk about my streaming. Since adding the animation tier there has been a lot less time to do consistent streaming and to be honest - it never seemed like a big draw to anyone. That might change in the future but for right now, new art streaming sessions will be sporadic at best. 

I also cleared up some of the talk about art previews for $2 and up Patreons. Before I was doing 2 pages a week for all of black and white previews. Since adding in the color work I will only be able to commit to 1-2 pages versus 2 pages guaranteed. The reason there is pretty simple. Color work takes more time and those seem to be going over well with you so we'll continue!

Voting and Polls! There haven't been a lot recently and hopefully they will make a return soonish. I might even do some contests in the upcoming months though don't hold me to that! It really comes down to how much free time I can spare against the main rewards and the commissions I do.

General Guidelines

I also added notes in the "About" section regarding the expected community guidelines for the place. This is what I consider common sense stuff and mostly there to catch the edge cases. 

Generally, I expect this place, my Discord and my main site to be places for the community to come together and enjoy the art. Discussions are welcome but the expectation is we will be civil towards each other. That's not a hard concept to understand and for the most part, we've had a really good run with everyone here. 

Also - CLEARLY - any pirating of my work is not allowed. I know it can happen and as the Patreon grows I expect people to be more and more tempted to 'share' my art with others. I will not be able to track every piece of art as it flies around the internet. I can only tell you this - the money YOU donate here goes directly to the creation of more art. The more people here the better for all of us and the more solid the value of the Patreon.

Not too much more to say and hopefully we continue to grow the community and the Patreon! 

Thank you!



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