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May Movie heading into final stretch!

I'm in the edit bay right now working on the final pass of your new movie. I expect to have it out to you by tomorrow (Friday) night or sooner! This has been a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy the final with it's extra scenes.

Also, some updates!

Growth Lab 61 - this is starting to wind down. All the main pages are drawn and it's basically down to me inking and coloring the rest. We are looking at 100 plus color pages and you can see the current progress in the Patreon's gallery on my main site. If you grabbed the prior update that also works! (prior update here https://www.patreon.com/posts/growth-lab-61-in-104077097) ETA - this month of next!

New Comic - Transformation Battles #1!

OK you probably saw the cover preview and this one is going into production! I don't have any ETA for the final issue but here are some ROUGH NOTES! This is all early thinking so it may change!

  • All the ladies from the cover are planned to show up in some form

  • There will be MORE ladies than the ones shown. Those ladies are TBD by me. I have some ideas and want it to be a fun one!

  • I'm thinking this is a 22 page comic, it might go longer though!

  • No ETA on finishing it at the moment.

  • Every Patreon will be getting updates for this as often as I can make it happen. I will likely also create a gallery on my main site for Patreons to check out progress.

OK - back to work for me and YOU, you STAY AWESOME!


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