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So, here's a HYPOTHETICAL idea... some sort of comic with lots of ladies from all sorts of locations. All battling some sort of insidious growth wave spreading across the universe and dimensions. Everyone and everything is affected. Characters from ALL sorts of realities are coming together to try and stop the crazy growth sessions. Regular folk too! No one is safe and everyone is getting whammied with some sort of transformation!

Who's behind it? Why is it happening? We don't know but you can bet there will be LOTS of transformation action.

What do you think? This is a WIP concept still. No firm idea for exact characters or storyline other than lots of different folk pulled into one setting. That and it WILL be super fun! haha

Enjoy, love you all and STAY AWESOME!


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Oh yes.hero girls onto giantess. I se Jen is in movie too.😁🦸‍♀️☺️💚