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Hey guys,

I was all geared up to start cranking out the awesome new features starting with this weekends release and then BAM, computer dies spectacularly.   It was so extreme it blew the breaker too.  After some troubleshooting I realized the issue is most likely a bad power supply.

I put a new one on order which will be coming Monday and then hoped on my notebook to try to cobble together something that could be released until my main work station is back up.  It's been a long dredge of several hours trying to pull together a temp scene that could serve as some holdover entertainment and it's been fairly hit or miss with getting things going.  Neeedless to say, it's been a very very long day.

I haven't given up though.  I'm going to keep cracking at it and hopefully the next post won't be too far behind this one.  Wish me luck!


(No title)



Hope it all works out without a hitch dude! Gotta love it when computer probs hit you out of the blue, just finished dealing with my own last week...


thanks and bummer about your pc issues but glad to hear you got them cleared up