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Hello, everyone. I'm really sorry about that it will take a little longer. I'll make sure to finish it on the 15th(UTC 0).
안녕하세요 여러분. 정말 송구스럽게도 시간이 조금 더 걸릴것같습니다. 15일(UTC 0)까지는 꼭 완성해서 보내드리겠습니다.

As expected, it takes lots of time because the tempo is twisted for about 3 days. Hahaha..
역시 3일정도 템포 꼬여서 그런가 좀 시간이 걸리네요 완성하는데에 하하하...

And because I'm in-between seasons and I've been scheduled too hard, I'm often sick;
그리고 환절기인데가 일정도 무리하게 짜다보니 자잘한 병치레가 잦네요;;

I was going to send it to you after finishing it all night, but I have some headache, so I'll sleep now and send it to you tomorrow after finishing work.
원래 오늘 밤새서 끝내고 보내드리려 했는데 두통이 좀 있어서 오늘은 이만 자고 내일 마무리해서 꼭 보내드리겠습니다.

Most of the pictures are finished, and I'm working on increasing the quality. I'm sure you'll be satisfied when you get it.
지금 대부분의 그림이 끝났고, 퀄리티를 높이는 작업을 하고 있습니다. 아마 받으셨을때 틀림없이 만족하실거라 믿습니다.

I love you, everyone. Please wait a little bit! (´;ω;`)
사랑합니다 여러분, 조금만 기다려주세요! (´;ω;`)



No worries! Take your time. Stay healthy and listen to your body!

Marcus Mendelson

Take care of yourself, your health is more important. Your work is worth waiting for.


Take care of yourself! we can wait


If you have to take a rest because you are sick, please do so. Thank you for letting us know that it will be later than expected but you don't have to worry if you have to rest.


I will never complain, my friend. Take as long as you need. 💙

Youkai_ Escritor

Take it easy brother, i don't want you get sick for over work, the most importante is your heatlh, and don't worry, we are patien knowing that you will broughtd us exepcional art.