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(상단의 이미지는 현재 완성된 토우코와 토우코 엄마 그림의 일부입니다.)

(The image is part of the completed picture of Touko and Touko's mother.)



I'm really sorry. I think the deadline will be delayed because I failed to adjust the quantity.
정말 죄송합니다. 분량 조절에 실패해서 마감이 늦어질 것 같습니다.

I usually draw two pictures for each characters every month, but this month, I drew two characters three times, so it's really hard T_T (Two solo pictures + Two duo pictures)
원래는 매 달 2명의 인물을 2번씩 그리는데 이번달은 무리하게 2명을 3번 그리다보니 너무 힘든 상태입니다 ㅠㅠ (솔로 2장+ 듀오 2장) 

I drew pictures without rest every day for a month, so I felt like I was going to go to crazy, so I took a rest on last weekend. Sorry...
한달동안 매일 쉬는시간 없이 그림그리고 자는걸 반복하다보니 진짜 미칠것 같아서 주말은 좀 쉬었어요. 정말  죄송합니다...

I thought last month's reward was not good, so I felt sorry, so I wanted to draw a little more for you, but it turned out like this. (´;ω;`)
지난달 리워드의 퀄리티가 조금 낮아서 죄송한 마음이 들어 조금 더 그려드리려 했다가 이렇게 되어버렸네요. (´;ω;`)

So... I'm so sorry again... I don't think the fourth picture will come out of good quality...T_T
그래서... 정말 죄송한게.... 아마 네번째 그림은 좋은 퀄리티로 나오지 못할 것 같아요...ㅠㅠ

I will send the picture to you on the 10th. I will never be this greedy again... I'm sorry.
그림은 10일에 보내드리도록하겠습니다. 정말 두번 다신 이렇게 욕심부리지 않겠습니다... 죄송합니다.




No worries! Take your time; health always comes first! I hate to see you stressing about all these self-imposed deadlines, though. Personally, I think you should use the next couple of months to test out a few new release formats, and then see what works best for you! A lot of artists I’ve seen just release their pictures to supporters as they come out with a flexible goal of getting (whatever number) done per month, and I’ve seen others that stagger everything by a few days so that higher tiers get new releases sooner than lower ones. It’s all up to you, but it sounds like you could really benefit from a less stressful schedule! Regardless, keep up the good work!


It totally fine! Take your time and relax if you need to, no need burning yourself out for us. We totally understand!

Youkai_ Escritor

Just take your time, we are patient.


A few spare days of waiting won't hurt


I made a mistake this month by increasing the amount of drawing too much. I'll never be late again! Thank you for your concern! (*´ω`)