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I do my best to draw! (; ・`д・´)

頑張って描きます!(; ・`д・´)

열심히 그리겠습니다! (; ・`д・´)

It cant be, but I'll try to finish Aru by today!(; ・`д・´)

出来る限り今日までアルを終わらせる勢いで描いてみます!(; ・`д・´)

가능한한 오늘 아루 끝내버릴 기세로 그릴거에요!(; ・`д・´)

Today's live is over! Thank you for watching! (´▽`*)



I worked for about 7 hours, excluding 1 hour of meal and 30 minutes of break!(´▽`*) 途中で食事1時間、休憩30分を除いて7時間くらい作業しました!(´▽`*) 중간에 식사 1시간, 휴식 30분 제외하고 7시간정도 작업했네요!(´▽`*)
