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Hey everyone, I just wanted to start this announcement by saying that we are deeply saddened by the ongoing conflict happening in the Ukraine right now. It's un-ethical and we hope everyone affected by it is staying safe. 

We receive a lot of comments about how cheap VRCDN is and many ask if the £1 tier is sustainable. For the longest time we have been able to keep it up thanks to our many generous people joining higher tiers, but sadly the growth rate of users joining the lowest tier is starting to make this unsustainable. We understand that money is tight for a lot of people which is why we have decided to not remove it completely. 

Instead we have decided to replace it with a £2 a month tier, this still keeps the price low for you but also means the lowest tier will be sustainable for a bit longer. Here's how we see this working out. 

On the 2nd of March we will be un-publishing the £1 tier from our Patreon. This means that new users will not be able to join the £1 tier, but users currently on it will not lose their access. On March 30th if you are still on the £1 tier you will lose access until you re-join on another tier. 

This has been a very difficult decision to make for us as we really hate asking for money, but running a global streaming cluster that constantly expands into new regions, and into new tech we have to make sure we are sustainable for the long term and adjust if we are not.



Anna Stith

You gotta do what you gotta do, I'm glad you're making the moves you need to make to keep this service up and running.


Thanks for the update! I 100% agree that the price should be raised. Well worth 5/mo in my opinion! Thanks for your hard work!

Jessica Stokes

Totally legit! Happy to pay a little more to keep things running smooth :)

DreamConnector -Superfluff-

Just joined on the cheap tier. thanks for providing this entry level tier for broke students like me to test out your stuff. if i work with it more i will upgrade!