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The fire in the OVH datacenter got me thinking about the way VRCDN is structured and made me realise that the aim to be 100% non profit is impossible. Due to some unexpected bills I was unable to buy a replacement server quickly to keep projects and services (hosted OBS, Unity Sync, EU Live, etc) on track and had to fall back to an older, slower one which has cut EU capacity by 3/4 and completely halted the projects and other services I was working on. Although we are stable and handling the traffic well there was some very close calls last night!

Some of you may remember I announced that we are planning on adding viewer caps when 1.0 of the server is released, the estimate I put together was roughly 30 viewers for £5. I plan on re-calculating this once the network is back up to full capacity so that a small percentage can be put into a pot so that in the rare event that we do have a disaster like this again there will be money available to replace the servers instantly and get back up and running at full speed. I also plan on using this pot to help fund bigger projects, one thing I REALLY want to add is high availability....right now if the EU server has issue I just re-route traffic to NA....which works fine but doesn't provide the best experience and could bring up possible region saturation issues in the future.

As usual, I want your feedback on this! VRCDN would not exist without your support! I do want to expand VRCDN into other areas such as hosted OBS, Unity project syncing through a VRCDN server, and a few other ideas I have cooking up.



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