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Hey all!

Holy floof this is it! I have pushed the super early website live! Hype!

So before we get to getting your account setup, please remember that this website is not only a place holder website until I can find a web-designer to help out.... but will contain bugs! everything from the login form to the player is still very early days and might break... if things do break I have launched a Discord so discussion can be easier!


Now for the fun stuff!

It is vital that you use the same Patreon email address as your VRCDN email address.

The website can be found at https://vrcdn.live which will allow you to login directly with your Patreon account!

I'll keep posting updates on here as I work on them, right now I need to fix an issue with VOD uploading....I know I said it was working....but I was wrong :( I will let you all know once it's ready!

I can't wait to see what you use it for!




of course a WItch House artist is your 666th pateron