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Heya, so after feeling like my past idea to create Monster Based Magic Items did not hit the mark or gained that much interest, I went with another idea that can work better.

This iteration of Table Scraps features a kind of micro module. A location with lore, history, and some unique loot that you can squash into any of your games as you see fit! 

The main purpose for these micro modules would be for you to have your players run into these locations as a random curio on their way between major locations to spice up traveling!

Let me know if the concept of Micro Modules would be appealing to you. I originally featured this in my patreon game as a random location for the players to find and interact with. They enjoyed it a whole lot. The party actually enjoyed the homestead so much that they ended up burning it down!

- Tuz




I will have to say , that was me saying that xD