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Hi hello, yeah October has been a very weird mix for me. As I said in a previous update, I wanna be transparent but I also don't want to yammer on too much about it. So here are the cliffnotes:

  • I have been busy this month working on my contribution for the Gilroy's Guide to Fey Kickstarter 
  • I also have been busy to set up a flight to the US for november, which also had me busy doing alot of appointments and preparations.
  • I have been in important contact with a few content creators for collabs. One of which turned out pretty fruitful! (people my discord know already more about that)
  • Part of the preparation for my extended US stay have been a few doctor's appointments so I can have anything treated before I leave.
  • Turned out my doc found a medical problem that needs to be treated before I can leave for the US. Worse yet: it needs surgery. So my US stay will be delayed for 1-2 months so... crap.

Oh yeah, also the artist for the Lamia update has also quite a busy month causing more delays with the artwork... You can imagine that all of the above has me really stressed out right now.

BUT I still managed out to finish up some additional content that i will make available for all patreon members! I also can give you some additional previews for what is to come.

So first - a formal announcement:

I am super happy to announce that DM Tuz and Tales of Alethrion will have a small collaboration soon! Mikkel and me are testing the waters, but if this first project works out, more material will be on the horizon!

Second of all, I have some more monsters cooking for the next month, done in the same way as the past update: Bhelrath, the Flayed King. I have three updates line up and to show you what to expect, have some initial artwork done by the same guest artist Ben Fleurter!

Yep, that is 12 monsters line up with another batch of 4 coming up. I will try to get them all ready with lore and all over the course of november and december on top of the (hopeful) lamia release, followed by the wolf girl and arachnea releases!

I hope this puts the recent lack of content into perspective. I assure you that there is work getting done and I will try to do better to keep you updated. Thank you all for your patience and continued support! If anyone has any particular questions about the situation, feel free to ask them below. I wanna be as open about all of this as I can. I owe you all that much.


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