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Hello everyone, this is my update for this week so everyone knows where I am with my current work schedule:

Fearsome Foes: The Mourning Blade

The Mourning Blade is reaching its final stages. I need to only do some editing for the lore and to wrap up some artwork for the items which should be done within this week. Playtesting is done and I am very happy with where this is going!

Table Scraps

Next I have been chopping away at the next Table Scraps, where I want to finally go back to feature work featured in my Patreon Game. While the first arc had alot of homebrew involved from my end, the second one was alot of social interactions and investigation that finished with a dungeon crawl. I struggled to find a coherent theme here, so the next Tablescrabs update will be a mix of additional monsters I made for the patreon game. So you can expect that pretty soon.

Next Player Character Race

The Next player character race is still WIP - it is not Monster Girl related, but more about those later. The new race: The Gremlins, are a love project between me and my friend Dansome that has been heavily featured in one of his homegames. I got the general feel for them down but I need to work on the lore and perhaps finetune a bit of their rules, as well as create some additional feats. Also I need to work on additional headshots.

Artwork by Dansome

Gremlin (WIP):

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score and Intelligence score each increase by 1.

Size. Your size is small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin.

Magic Sense. You know if a magic item is within 30 ft. of you by smell. The smell can be blocked by other material, such as iron. You can spend 1 minute interacting and handling a magical object and learn its properties, how to use it and if it requires attunement. If the item is cursed, you do not learn about the curse. Once you use this trait you can’t use it again until you have finished a short or long rest.

Inventiveness. You can spend 10 minutes to create an improvised artisan tool or thieve’s tools. To do so, you must have access to scrap material. The tool holds together for one hour or until used, after which the tool will break and becomes unusable.

Natural Tinker. You gain proficiency with a tool of your choice.

Survival Philosophy. Live is hard as a gremlin and many of your kind have adapted several survival philosophies. Chose between Ingenuity or Trickery.


Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Skill Proficiency. Choose one of the following proficiencies: Arcana, History, Investigation.

Brain Blast. When you fail an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can add your proficiency bonus to the result, which may cause the roll to become a success. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you have finished a long rest.

Smarty. You can always use your intelligence modifier to use a tool for any task.


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Skill Proficiency. Choose one of the following proficiencies: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth.

Scram. When you fail a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check or a creature makes a successful Wisdom (Perception) check to detect you, you can use a reaction to move up to your speed without provoking opportunity attacks. To use this trait, you must see the creature when it detects you.

The other Player Race - Lamia

I still have not much done too much for the Lamia - I have commissioned Chikkibug for the artwork already. So things are still really early on this front.

Surprise Monster Projekt

I reached out to a webcomic artists that features fantastic monster designs in his webcomic. I commissioned him to make some crazy random monster designs for cheap so that I can slap some stats on them. If this works out, this will become a regular segment for my patreon!

Maestro's Monstrous Arms - Project 2: Displacer Beasts

I am still in my conception phase with this. I got a few really good ideas for this so far but one or two of the items need some additional work. I really am in love with the Displacer Beast Whip, though.

Displacer Beast Whip
Weapon (Whip), rare (requires attunement)
The Displacer Beast Whip counts as a simple melee weapon. When making an attack with the Displacer Beast Whip you can expend one charge and have its thong suddenly project several illusions of itself as you swing, granting you advantage on the attack unless the creature's senses rely on blindsight or it is able to see through illusions. The Displacer Beast Whip has one charge and you regain one expended charge if you begin your turn and have not taken any damage since the beginning of your last turn.

I think this is it for now and should give you some insight into where I am at with my different projects.

I will make a singular post for the Live Updated Google Doc later today so you all can check my life progress on these projects there! :D

Hope you enjoyed the previews!

- Tuz


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