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Hi everyone, I hope everyone is doing okay!

Let me get straight to it: My production has been in a slog for a bit now and I am not happy about it. Currently I have many tables spinning and finishing these projects is just stretching like molasses. A long while back I made a poll whether people want to see WIPs or just want to wait for the finished product. The result of that poll was that people want to wait for the finished products. But with the dimension of these updates getting to a point where it will be impossible for me to keep a weekly update schedule, I want to change this.

From now on, every tuesday I will make a post that shows my WIPs for the week. I will also open a public google where people can check the progress of my current projects (regardless of tier) so people can properly hold me accountable if they feel I don't work fast enough.

Also I will increase the amount of money that I spend on commissioning artists by another $200 per month for the next few months to allow me to catch up on what I feel I should have finished.

Of course, I will clean up the WIP posts over time - roughly cleaning any WIP post older than a month - this way I keep my patreon dashboard clean for browsing.

Does this change seem alright to you folks? This should be a win win for all. 

- Tuz


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