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Here is the roadmap for the next year for GrowthRPG. I plan on updating this once a month when I am doing polls. I'm sure this is not everything but I will try to plan the game out as best as I can.

Misc goals have no set period to be worked on and either will be assigned later or be treated as stretch goals if I have time. The last 3 months will be devoted to polish so September is the end of all content updates, after that its going to be bug fixes, balances, and cleanup

If theres something you want to see in the game that isn't on the board then feel free to suggest either in the comments or the discord.



Something I'd love to see for character customization is for a more humanoid/plantigrade five toed foot option! Hopefully that makes it in to the customization expansion.


Maybe a pecs + nipples option?

Max Atlas

Is there a way to change the stomping intensity of sound and everything as you grow? Maybe it slowly starts once you hit 10 feet tall and progressively gets louder/deeper? :3 keep up the amazing work


i feel like Intimacy options would be a nice addition, i think i remember you mentioning some a issue with the size differences between models being a problem. i think this could be rectified by making the character shrink there stats to a size more manageable, while if you are to small then you need to get the stats and rapport with the NPC to be able to interact with them in a sexual manor. After all with our character being able to ingest the powers and increase there power and size it is understandable that they should if only temporally be able to suppress some or all the stats they have.

Akeno Himejima

Hey I just wanted to ask. How do I get a key for the game? I believe I'm subbed with the right one, I just don't know how to key..


The game should prompt you to login to patreon when it opens and once you do it should give you the key. If you are having trouble loggin in theres a few things you can try - add game as firewall exception - check host files, make sure there is no GrowthRPG.com included -if you just made a Patreon account, wait a day or two -Check DNS Settings -Disable any VPNs