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For the update at the end of this month I want to work on combat a bit more since updating combat seemed to be a much bigger undertaking than I originally through. Also I wanted to get the companion from the last poll in the game, since I'm playing catch up this month no new poll. 

But if you have any suggestions for what you would want me to work on then be sure to leave it in the comments. Especially if its something combat related like a new abilities, because I do want to flesh out the abilities a bit more.

Planning on the update coming out the 25th


Aescula Janus

Well, for combat abilities, you have Focus (+Muscle) and Flex (All AP +Muscle),but for Bust you only have Mind Explosion (All AP +Bust). I feel like that needs a simple +Bust version. I think Legs has Leg Up and Leg Day too. Height has no small version except for the uncontrollable Intensify. So those are my suggestion. Smaller +Bust and +Height abilities.


This seems like a good point to focus on optimizing and polishing what is already here before adding more content, after the dragon follower, that is


Will there be new muscle and fat blend shapes for larger sizes anytime soon?

Hiro Nagasaky

i hope the after fight growth animations get fixed, i wanna see people grow


probably not soon, but I want to take a look at it this month because I think some thing aren't blending right


Honestly making locked chests drop uncharged essence again would be really nice since its another money sink, other than that all id spend all my money on the new follower

Dark Claw

I'm curious about what other people think, but I think a general xp boost would be nice for most enemies. Would it be too much for bosses to give like, 10 levels per successful fight against them if you're small enough, or have enough ego? Atm I feel like no normal enemies give more than 1 level per fight, and bosses only give 3 to 4 max. Even if it was just an xp boost at lower levels to help you get to the point where you can really start to explore the dungeons to get better loot, and start finding more growth essence, I think that could be a positive for the pacing of the game. Do you guys have other strategies for starting off that help you get to higher levels quickly? If so, I'd love to hear them.


I second having more XP. I tend to restart each update, and it's tedious having to grind my way up to a good size each time. Maybe a setting you can turn on to earn more XP?


I just wish there was a stun resistance


1) I think the talent tree needs to be reworked. Otherwise it all comes down to the fact that you level up and immediately sacrifice it for skill points. Also add more skills to the tree. Because you can literally unlock all your skills in 2-3 hours. 2) Also I would like to see the skills of followers. Also upgrade their abilities, to make them stronger. 3) ego skill tree. For now ego is still useless. I cant feel any changes after lvling my ego. Wanna see something interesting with this mechanics. For example passive abilities like stun resistance. Or maybe some active abilities. 4) Nerf rock sword. For now it works like: bigger the enemy - easier to kill. Not balanced imho. offtop: Why doesn't Lime Slime level up? He was level 1 and still is. Also, during battle, all followers, except Raving Fan, stand and do nothing. It also often happens that opponents stand and do nothing. Anyway. Thx for such a great game. Best game at this themes. <3 Playing it since the first dungeon. And pleaseee, fix body shine. Body of my character not looking like body of my followers :c And what about muscle morphs for really huge sizes. Like some popping veins or etc. Bcs if u re really big - ure looking like: “Hey, look at my arms, they are behind my back” xd. I know there is a lot pf work to do, but maybe at the next updates u will do that :3


Hi, it would be worth fixing the problem of characters falling off the map when fighting takes place on the surface...

No Please

Maybe a grow every turn for each stat like we have for size

Jhonny Latios

Maybe add a few more passive abilities and also more abilities that you can use outside of combat, also maybe you could arrange the knees on the licht player character because they are not that centered and when you have ego they just move completely out of place, probably also xbox controller integration maybe. There is also a bug with the iwatosashi sheated buff after you do it two times it puts you back to the first buff you did instead of adding more.

Bill Rice

I agree,the skills of followers should be an important part of the journey


Yeah, the Bunshido/Sharkuns can be massively OP'ed. Once you get stunned it's a one shot and you're dead.


Like I once said in discord , putting sound and visual effects of when you hit on the enemy that gets bigger on intensity the bigger you are.

Top Snapper VZ

Got to really play the game the first time after 5.4 dropped. My surprise when i find fights in high level dungeons are in arenas of varying size. Ive already made it clear i like this idea, and im happy to see it getting dabbled with. -1 right now the spawn positions in the resized arenas seem a to close. -2 the player characters size might need to have a bigger sway on the calculation for the arena size. Some of the bigger enemys make arenas a gargantuan plane atm. If the player character is so small that it it makes the arena small enough for the enemys to waffle stomp at fights start, than maby the player would learn to pick on someone smaller. -3 the size-sword's passive affect of increasing range compounds so much with the size of size-masters/bigbarians. Atm when the arenas is larger, thay have free rain to "carpet bomb" the arena swing after swing. If starting positions in the arenas space out more, this issue will only get worse. An easy fix would be to change the size-sword to an overhead swing. Youve dun a good job balancing the damage on the size-sword baced on its huge range; if you nerf the range this would free it up for more damage, wich would be befitting an large swords overhead swing. The size stat is also the range mvp, so putting the size-sword in a 'sniper' nitch with near infinite range but a narrow attack feels appropriate 2 me. -4 this ones a doozy, so hopefully i express it in a way that makes sense. I kinda touched on ranges link to size stat in the last one. Tbh the size stat is alwase kinda in a weird place to me do to it affecting all youre stats and your Xp gains. I think there should be an inherent link to your stats/level and your actual size. lets say every 15-50 stats you apply to you get 1 "X" . That 1 point of "X" would grant benefits equal to 1 point in the size stat, but be seperate to the size stat. For example: if "X" is gained at 1 for 20 stats, than a level 350 character would be the size of a character that has a size stat of 17, without even having 1 point in size. Theres alot of interesting thing this could do. Being able to better visualize how threatening an enemy is. Bigger = tougher. Have better size consistency in higher level dungeons across the different enemy types. The lardzerkers will be not so tiny anymore. Lesson players ability to consistently step on there enemys, unless you really do outlevel them. Soften the potential range difference between simular leveled enemys. Make it harder for players who are over ambitious with there "pushing up" to maximize xp bonuses. In the future if you were to add late game or hard areas, you would be better able to construct them around the size of a high level character. Players who wander to far into these areas would be dwarfed, making it clear thay shouldn't be there. Temporary stats from all sources could be made to not contribute to this effect. Making raw level based stats more beneficial. Im aware that this would kinda devalue the size stat, but you could alwase make it marginally better. Like it grants more AP regen than "X". Idk if this is really a good idea i just think it pairs well with dynamic arena sizes. As for ability/skill tree stuff i do have ideas, but im going to hold it till i find a place to put out a visual aid to help express it. Sorry for writing so much, heck knows ive already thrown 8 billion ideas your way... As always, keep up the beautiful work, and have a great day.


I really enjoy passive combat—I feel like it makes it a lot easier to strategize your moves & it makes growth more appreciable. I have some minor suggestions that I think will improve the experience more: 1.) Do not reset Turn Order when someone dies Each time an enemy (or ally) dies, the Turn Order is completely refreshed. This usually results in one character constantly going over & over again. Instead, I recommend removing the characters from the turn order after they die but keeping the same order overall. 2.) Add a minor XP multiplier for passive combat By design, passive combat usually takes longer to resolve than active combat. Since both offer the same amount of XP, it's disadvantageous to use passive combat when grinding. I think adding a minor XP multiplier can help balance out this difference. 3.) Add a free camera option (not debug camera) Once enemies (and allies) reach much larger sizes, it can be difficult to parse what's going on in the combat arena. I think having a native free camera option for passive combat can help alleviate this issue. 4.) Add a console command to skip the current turn I keep encountering soft-locks when playing passive combat. Right now, my only option is to use "ResetLevel" when the game hangs on someone's turn. I think adding an option to "skip turn" as a console command can help in the debugging process. 5.) Add the Swipe attack to passive combat Right now, the Swipe attack available through the muscle skill tree does not work with passive combat. Even with empty hands, the attack still doesn't appear as an option in the skill menu during combat. ---- Those are my main suggestions for the time being! Unrelated, but you should buff the Bite attack! At later levels, the buff/debuff it causes is negligible. This game is great & I can't wait to see where it goes! Thanks.

Top Snapper VZ

Sorry for me getting to this so late. With the mechanic of punching up granting bonus Xp encouraging players to be ambitious with whom thay fight; it kinda makes it hard to judge what is or isnt appropriate enemys/Xp. There will hopefully probably be more stuff to do wile your leveling through the game in the future, so i try and take Xp as it is with a grain of salt. Also its vague as to when is the end of content is. there might be cotent there in the future that picks up where currently the diminishing returns kick in, and the superiorABcrystals dry. I will admit in early game it is rough. A fresh start dus give you access to a handfull on quest/mini-quest. Adding fixxed Xp for completing quest (or stages of quest) would be ez way to jumpstart early game. But really its getting your skills up thats slow. Ez-ish early game strat. Stock pile consumables for a bit. liquidate the ones you dont need, and buy fat&size potions. Pre game the potions and any other consumables you might need. Push through the wind at the back of the docks, and fight the chimera. If you win thats 1 superiorABcrystal and a vary good teammate.


1 is really important. Sacrificing your levels over and over for abilities isn't really fun. It would be cool if access to those skills were granted via the players current skills. Argo to get fighting naked. You would need 1200 fat and have to spend the ability points.

Virgile Lefranc

I have a question. The genials are optional so would i means that there will never have any games mechanic with it? And also will the be a vore feature that help the growing stats ? I think those two idees are far to complicated but I wanted to share XD.


The Ego stat related to genitals still effects your character even if you turn off visuals. Ego effects the amount of XP you gain from a fight. You gain Temporary Ego and Maximum Ego every fight; The amount you gain depends on the 3 options you select when starting a fight. Temporary Ego is what modifies your XP gain. This resets when you lose a fight, eat food, or save. Maximum Ego is how high your temporary can get. This never resets.


Like I mentioned on Discord, a grind attack. Could make it where it takes a bit to fully complete (like the Bandit Boss's swing), but in exchange, it does big damage.


Spinny kick; Something that has a bonus for hitting an enemy that is knocked down (pin and drain, stomp or kick, etc); Maybe a bite? Maybe stuff with your character options, a tail thwack maybe? ALSO, all non-story dungeon bosses need a size at which they can be stomped. It'd make doing the roots way faster / less tedious.

Hiro Nagasaky

i want the end of battle growth animations to be fixed for the repeat battles! >w<


I say I would enjoy some actual interaction with the players body or an Horny system that must be taken care of and manage this can help add sexual interactions and cum to the game