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Still have a few bugs I wasn't quite able to reproduce/solve. I changed how chest armor works so instead of hiding the mesh it will just not scale it until it pops off, but it still wont update until you take off another piece of armor.

The size explosion skill has been added to the broken sword, but ill probably have it be under the skill menu in the future.




The alchemist does not give the quest to kill the Lich, only wants to trade


I can confirm this as well. The only interaction with the alchemist in town is trade which make the Lich quest is inaccessible for myself as well. Trade is the only interaction with them, there's currently no way in town to turn in Essences of Growth into other Essences. With that said you can still trade Essences to the one located in the endless dungeon if you can locate her.


the apthothocarist accidentally got marked as non talkable, probably a few other NPCs too. Might need another Hotfix.


Chiming in now, the huge nerf to basic attacks actually makes Passive combat extremely unbearable, which is bad cause that's the mode I play in. In Active combat you can just rapid-fire click to spam the basic attack, so it isn't as big a deal that each attack is only doing 1 damage when you're doing multiple attacks per second. In Passive combat, though, you're limited to a single 1 damage strike per turn to gain 1 AP, which makes everything not only very tedious but also very frustrating. It makes the basic attack really feel like it's just a glorified 'charge' button you're forced to press over and over turn after turn to get the "actual" attacks, so you're being artificially made to wait and wait until your AP is filled just so you can deal any amount of actual damage, and oftentimes it's not even that significant an increase. Sure, in the previous system, basic attacks could also be seen as a 'charge' button, but you could still deal significant damage and make actual tangible progress with the fight while doing it depending on your weapon, stats, and skills. Now it just feels like all those things don't matter except for appearance and skill choice later on. What does it matter if I have a massively muscular character if he's still only going to do less than 10 damage swinging his sword down on someone with 100+ HP, it feels like. Maybe this works a lot better in Active combat and makes that more fun, but I really don't want to play Active and never wanted to. I've always much, much preferred the turn-based combat where I can think about what to do for my next action without the stress of needing to move around and spam attacks, while also being able to passively watch growth happen turn-by-turn.I would really like to be able to feel like I'm still making some sort of progress by doing significant-enough-feeling damage while charging the AP bar instead of just doing a single tiny pointless-feeling chip to the enemy's HP, just to be able to actually start the "real" fight 5 or more turns in.


Did not have a great deal of time to play tonight and saw that there was a mention of another hotfix so I wanted to get these on the radar sooner rather than later. All these observations were in 'Active' mode. Ego animation / stat gain does not appear to happen/occur if an explosion skill is used in the combat (not 100% sure on this one). (Sometimes occurs) In order to exit the battle screen in the endless dungeon, the player has to enter the level up screen, exit it and then click the leave battle button. Once the player reaches a certain size, the skill 'Step' does not appear to do damage. My guess that this is due to its skill damage size radius? There is a significant amount of weird behavior between holding down an action/skill and immediately opening the inventory in combat. - The player can use the 'Concentrate' skill, hold down the skill and open the inventory. This allows them to continually concentrate without being interrupted. - Once the player has enough passive AP regeneration in combat, they can use a weapon skill that is not an explosion almost indefinitely. One example is 'Open Mind' if the player uses the skill and opens the inventory in combat, they can continually cast 'Open Mind' - There's more combination but hopefully this establishes how to re-create it. This also creates a great deal of memory underflow conditions that can result in some additional weird behavior like carrying stat gain from a previous combat to the next combat (though having difficulty re-creating steps for that condition). Those were the initial items I noticed. Thanks for providing a hotfix.


yeah I was thinking that would be a problem. I think for Passive I could possibly buff the AP regen rate so you can get buffs out faster. I might also add a passive multiplier for damage multiplier.

Wolfie Randolf

Seems that talking with the potions vendor is not an option anymore, it just goes straight to trade.


It appears that jiggle physics are not working in this hotfix? Is this a bug or were they disabled purposefully?

John Davis

So the Size skill tree still isn't working properly on my end at least. The Step skill I can acquire just fine, but can't either of the other skills and the "Grow Every Turn" ability doesn't even have a name. Tried importing save pre-hotfix, didn't work. Tried a new save, also didn't work.