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sorry this is a bit of a coldfix this month with how my schedule turned out. I got most of the issues fixed, there were a few that I couldn't reproduce however. So if anyone experiences these gitches please send me a message of how each was triggered. I believe I figured out the culling issue so that shouldn't be an issue in the future




Hey! This seems to be improved, but the boobs still show as "Pecs" in the level up screen, and still seem to act oddly when leveled up; acting more like huge pecs with nipples than breasts used to act in past updates. They seem to just expand upward in the way of the characters head, and not out and down-ish as they did in past updates.


Looks good so far, found only a couple of minor graphical glitches. The character's left eye derps a bit downwards when they're in an idle stance and the furry mane still sometimes flickers during the character's walk-cycle. The lamppost glass in the town is also causing a semi-permanent pink overlay, not too sure what causes this one. Finally, as the person above me noted, there's no difference between pecs and boobs now, it just defaults to the pec animations/mesh. Solid game regardless. Keep up the good work!


noted. I am saving the chest flags in a different way so thats probably whats causing the problems


noted. The bright pink glitch seems to have something to do with transparency. I dunno if theres something I can do to fix it but ill look into it.


One more thing - while playing I noticed my characters eyes became out of sync, one of them (the left in my case) was basically stuck staring sharply down towards their snoot, while the other eye was fine.


Ok, so it looks like you some how made the pecks setting and the boob setting for the characters swap? The pecks have the boobs growth animation and size but the boobs have the pecks size and growth animation. They have there correct models but is there a way for us to fix this in the files wile we wait for the next update? I love the work so far and I don't want to sound like a jerk/ idiot but can we swap the values in the code or highlight and swap the necessary code lines that would fix this one issue? I want to ask as I don't want to go poking in the game you made without permission. Hope you had a good vacation.


nah sorry. I'm using a depreciated boolean to determine if a character has boobs so it took a bit of rewriting. It will be fixed in the next version though


Good work as always digi. But any news on the next doomsday part? I’m really looking forward to doomsday part 2 your animations are stellar!


I am sorry to be impatient, hehe, but when will you post another version of the game? :)

Qwill Attwell

my Patreon Account Is Connected to my google account and I can’t sign into it in the game, does that mean I have to make a seperate account to even play the game?


no, you should be able to sign in with your username though. I was using google accounts for mine too and I was able to sign in

Qwill Attwell

Oh ok, well the issue I’m having is that the google sign in page doesn’t show up even though I’ve clicked on it