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Original Artists Statement
Published: Dec 24, 2018

My OC "Guilty" absconds from the off limits section of a library with  yet another forbidden book. This one is entitled "The Truthful Maiden:  The witch who could never tell a lie" and she imagined it was full of  powerful independent woman who had overcome obstacles using brains,  finesse, and just a little bit of their bountiful buxom charm. On  opening the cover Guilty was blinded by Christmas magic and became the  protagonist she dreamed about, trapped in the pages of the books  sprawling narrative...  


On the first hour of Christmas Eve it should be plain to see
A maiden is bound immodestly in padlocks with no key.

Saliva trickles down abundantly and tickles her belly
The maiden ponders wistfully how can I be freed?

The spell book answers quickly its pages turn mysteriously
Silly girl since you are no longer so gossipy you may heed this new prophecy

To undo the spell that possess thee it’s a no trick of sorcery
Tongue and ring together, you must speak sincerely.

“mmmphl!” and “lggggh”  the girl cried repeatedly, most incomprehensibly
quiet maiden! The book retorts its font turned icily.

There’s no need to be so curmudgeonly, just enjoy the novelty!
A maiden of quality would never behave so pompously!

The maidens brows began to furrow, almost hostilely.
Tongue and mouth agape and bound how can I speak truthfully?

She turns about on wobbly legs exposed most revealingly
Her almond eyes scoured the room searching fervently

12 seals appeared so unseemingly
12 whorecruxes appear, shaped suggestively

Bound and equipped mischievously the maiden began to see
This was not serendipity she blushed most furiously

The book continued beseechingly it assured her intriguingly
You must taste the seals zealously, test their fecundity!

The book continued to speak, its prose worded heinously
There’s twelve seals you see, twelve lickings needed, for you to be set free!

To begin you must dispose of your dignity, and oh so cheaply
you must purse your lips as if to please me and bow your head to your knees

Then you may conspicuously bend over, lean down and breath atop of me.
You may sip and lick and suck and blow but hold the teeth please

Her task made clear, the doors and windows secured, the maiden screamed inaudibly
Minutes pass the lass is trapped, the maiden looks back sheepishly.

She spots her prize, her mark, her key, her tongue wags lasciviously
The phallus shape, her mouth agape, The toy fits so evenly!

Slurp, slurp, gulp, gulp the maiden speaks frothily, committed with audacity
Soon the seal began to gleam, its polish rising to a sheen

No no need to thank me, the maiden thought facetiously, and perhaps a little tittalatedly
I’m really in a rush, really so spare me your platitudes and hurry.

Come now the forbidden book answered playfully addressing the maiden in tones conceived most impishly
There are twelve whorecrux seals and each will need the services of a shine girl for at the least an hour, or maybe three

Oh bother, the witch spoke sloppily, the ring gag sundered her jaw and destroyed her speech capacity.
I  suppose I shouldn't have grabbed the book, I acted hastily, but in the  end I couldn't help it, because I'm just a witch named Her Mine Knee


Merry Christmas! and Merry Christmas Eve!

As  anyone whos been watching my account for a little while can tell you  this is part of a series that I've been doing for nine years now. It all  started when I saw a drawing made by the great www.deviantart.com/lordfoot-in… some forever years back. You can still see it here! footinmouthsartemporium.blogsp…  It caught my eye and I've been drawing my own version of it every year  since. This year I tried to do something a little different and a little  more ambitious. I've experimented with the smooth hair look before but  the book was crystal clear about the tangles/bristly nature of her hair  and frankly that's what I prefer, let her skull cape rock a little  harder! As for the other little things in the picture I hope you enjoy  picking out those little homages, can't call it an easter egg hunt until  April but it should all be wintery/thematically appropriate. Anyways,  enjoy the season and have try to have fun!  


Favorite Comments


Garfieldcat : Dec 25, 2018 

Dear sir! You had me from the very beginning: "A maiden is bound immodestly in padlocks with no key. "

WriterOfSin : Jan 1, 2019  

Lovely piece of art and rhyme.


VertigoR : Jan 3, 2019  

Lovely  description! I wonder what are you gonna do for next year though -  looks like all kinds of straitjackets had been used already...



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