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This bitch thought she was obese. Eating disorders are serious and debilitating. Please reach out, talk to your friends and family and know that millions of people struggle with disordered eating too. You are very much not alone.

I have struggled with food and body image since I was about 11. I will probably always struggle with it. But that doesn’t make me weak or vain or immoral. 

This is my body and I will continue to be kinder to it. 

I want to clarify that this is when my hair was falling out, my skin was terrible, I missed my period for months at a time, and I barely ate anything besides cereal. I honestly cannot believe how much progress I’ve made with my body image. I used to cry endlessly because I felt disgusting. I haven’t cried over my body in years. I’ve been to therapy, I grew titties, and I was able to appreciate my body for its ability to serve me, not just how it looked.

Please, for the love of yourself, be kind to yourself and your body. Your body is how you move through your day, it’s your home and your safe space. Treat it with love and care. It’s okay for your feelings to go through the motions. We don’t always feel the same way. We change. And that can be so positive. I’m glad I changed.





Appreciate the kind words, but I wanted to show this photo to highlight that body image is fickle. People might like how this body looks, but it was making me sick - I had bad skin, barely ate, didn’t sleep well and was generally in a shitty headspace. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if people like how you look or not, what matters is not living and breathing body image and diet culture and taking your appearance as the core value in your life. Maybe people like this body, but all I see is a sad person. I now eat fruit and veggies and foods that make me happy, my hair is thick again, I sleep well and my skin is clear. I never want this body back because I never want that life back ☺️


Oh no, she's hot.




When I saw this on Twitter I thought you were talking about somebody else didn't realise that was you until I saw the words body reveal on here very nice you have a fabulous figure


I swear to god, I have the pointest elbows this side of the Atlantic. My family used to tease me about it. “Get your pointy elbows out of my side!” 😆


Appreciate the kind words, but as the description makes clear, I was not happy at this weight. I don’t like this body because it was formed through bad habits and me not being kind to myself. I had bad skin, bad hair, no breasts and was constantly starving. I’m much happier and healthier now. And most importantly, I’m not constantly thinking about how other people perceive me. I look in the mirror and I see me and I like it.


Did someone steal the head? I feel like this is one of those fantasy things.... can i make the joke without getting sho-*tolate*


Ngl I thought you were a AI created by the CIA to get me to pay taxes or something