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"I just don't want to fight with you... because I like you and I love you, and because... it feels shitty to fight."


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio


✨All SFW & NSFW audios can be found in our Archive:✨



Script & Audio by TeacupAudio


All characters and audios are works of fiction and should be enjoyed as such.


✨Art by imakureitto:✨

► Twitter: https://twitter.com/imakureitto


Leve Jürgensen

Handling problems like a grown-up is my kind of Fantasy 😄

Derek Matthews

Tea this is one of the reasons your the only asmr artists that I am subscribed too, I love the fact that you tackle real issues and your stories really touch my heart and have helped me through some hard times so thank you and keep up the great work.


Has Patreon decided to be like YouTube and suspend TeaCup Audio? I can't access latest 3 I think posts and I cant find TeaCup Audio anywhere on the Patreon app. Anyone have some info as to what happened?