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Enjoy your cringe content with dignity and shut the fuck up, please. You’re not pathetic because you like something. It’s okay to like cringey, embarrassing things.

Do you honestly think I don’t read/watch embarrassing things? I watch the corniest, most tooth-rotting stuff and it’s fine. People will love you, wanna fuck and take care of you regardless of the kind of smut you consume.

Please have perspective. It’s not that deep.

Respect and empathy, always. 




Monster Musume is my favourite anime. Caravan is my favourite card game. I listen to GF audios made by someone names after hot leaf juice. I'm not embarrassed to do stuff. I'll just not tell the people I see everyday unless I trust them.


Preach Tea!❤️🥰

Iron Piedmont

I can't help but laugh at those who mock people for doing "cringey" things. Like, sorry that they're not as miserable as you, pal!

TheFireIron 357

I thought to myself one day "How am I ever gonna find a wife that will love me despite how weird I am?" Then I realized: I'm not alone. There's fuckin' weird people everywhere and I love them dearly. Why wouldn't somebody else do the same for me? People covered head to toe in red flags still have relationships. So I'mma dance my goofy fat hairy ass off to the music @ the store while I'm thinking through what to buy. AND YA CAIN'T FUCKEN STOP MEH! 🕺


As a wise person once said "I am cringe but I am free"


You know what IS cringe? Seeking out other people’s enjoyment and trying to shame people to validate yourself