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We need to stop dehumanising the sexes. Most men don’t want to use women as sex slaves and maids. Most women don’t want to use men as ATM’s and bodyguards. Don’t buy into these ridiculous podcasts. These people are traumatised and view the world through a narrow, mean lens.




I pray to Tea's quotes they are damn good

Jonathan Stark

Do men or women like that exist? Absolutely. Are they the vast majority? Absolutely not. Spot the red flags and learn to avoid them.

Lost Puppy

💜💜💜💜 it's very sad that the ones pushing many of these agendas are TRYING to make sure people are divided. Race, Sex, Politics, Religion if more people would just take the time to rationally communicate the world could become a much better place, issues could be solved and lives saved. 💜💜💜💜

Richard Hardslab

There’s a reason I don’t listen to podcasts. They’re too long :P

Jeremy Knight

Yeah I always found manosphere podcasts like Fresh and Fit, Andrew Tate, Justpearlythings and Kevin Samuels to be problematic. Everything from what you said to a man's only worth is how much he makes and pushing this idea that women need to go back to being submissive slaves to men because Feminism kills everything is so messed up. They also glorify countries like Russia and middle eastern countries believing they're conservative utopias when it's far from that. I know it's awful feeling like the world is becoming more and more anti-man, but listening to people like that is not the answer. There's a reason why women feel uncomfortable when they find out men listen to those people.

Garrett Gregory

It's always a lovely thing to hear somebody say it. Thanks, Tea, and I hope you're doing well.

Karl Wikman

so we should not pay traumatised people no mind? I dont symapthise with the manosphere, just wanna be sure I understand your sentence correctly or not.

Mike Taylor

These kinds of podcasts never interested me. I learned long ago, in my pre-internet days, that men and women have a lot of relationship problems in common and that the "all guys/girls are (X)" attitudes were utter bullshit. I did this by sitting and listening to friends vent and by observing folks' actual behavior.


Yeah,look if you don't make 6 figures have a 6.pack abs, and 5'7to 6'0ft tall. If you dont meet those requirements. Most women won't look at you. I'm 45 year old single male.i don't make 6 figures I'm very nice and polite. I have been actually told by women, that not meeting those criterias, are shoved to the back shelf unfortunately. If anybody can prove me wrong on this fact post it because I was told by numerous women that if you don't make six figures have a six pack abs and be 6 ft tall, your chances go to almost nil.

TheFireIron 357

I'm no expert, but you may want to take a look @ your "type." I had a buddy who could not help but end up with women who were emotionally unavailable and abusive because that's what he grew up with; he could sniff them out in any crowd like a hound without even realizing it. It took him some serious internal work to start letting go of his attraction to that. In America @ least, men with 6 figure incomes make up somewhere around 25% of the population (and depending on cost of living in their area that may be a lot less impressive than it sounds). And you might be surprised to find that people who set those kind of demands are often lonely motherfuckers with METRIC TONS of baggage. I could be wrong, but that's my best guess of the situation at large.


Both my brothers are in relationships and neither of them make six figures. One of them actually works part time due to his mental health. They are both over 6ft, but neither have six packs - one is skinny, the other a chubby bear. Both couples suffer from mental health issues and have all been in therapy at one point. Truly hope that helps. A lot of the time, people are together simply because they love each other and being together makes life more pleasant ☺️