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"We might be tempted to shut ourselves away and accept a lesser life because we're scared. But I don't want that for us. Any of us. I want us to dig deep and keep trying, despite it all. We live in lonely times, but that doesn't mean they're hopeless times."

There are times where I sincerely feel that I'm never gonna be able to let myself be with someone again. I feel terrified and unloveable and like I can stand the closeness of intimacy. I can't stand to be noticed or touched or even liked. It's unbearable, but then so is the feeling of not being seen.

So then I remind myself that all that noise, all those reasons why I can't do it, is just my fear talking. And it's loud and it's scary and it seems to make excellent points, but when I'm really honest with myself, I can recognise that ultimately, I'm just making excuses for myself.

One day, I don't know when, I'll be ready. But it's not a race for any of us. So, let's take our time, feel the loneliness, find ways to enjoy your own company and know that we all feel like unloveable freaks a lot of the time - that doesn't make it true.

You got this.



Phoenix Brave Hideki

As always thank you Tea for the beautiful post and words of encouragement.


Everyone's got their own thing going on. You can't beat yourself up for not having a partner after ending a relationship. Each person takes their time to heal wounds and close chapters. When that happened to me, I took the time to focus on myself and learned to love myself even more than before. I also discovered new pleasures in things I didn't do because my ex didn't like them or didn't care about them. No one should feel bad about being alone. When you're ready, you'll know it. ❤️


It seems so much easier the younger I was now I throw parties just not to be by myself but the room still seems empty and no matter how loud the music is it still so fucking quite. Anyone have advice for me


These never fail to pick me up and be a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day :)



Lost Puppy


Jackie Bee

In November 2021 I had a massive panic attack and broke down in the middle of a wrestling match, I was depressed and was considering taking my life I've spent the last nearly 2 years completely shutting myself away, isolating myself because I couldn't stand the thought of being near other people; afraid I would infect them with my disgusting mental state, crude like old oil. I locked myself away so I could try and get back to who I was before that, and the last calendar year was so hard - because I was numb and stuck at "what's the point?" And being numb is more depressing than just being depressed, yknow? I isolated myself from family, and friends for nearly 2 years to let myself heal. But in the last 2 months, I've been feeling better. Human. I have a new job that treats me well, my sister gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and he always smiles and coos when he's cuddled by Uncle Jack. Things are looking better now x

Nox Nemesis

Not much else needs to be said- Thank you, kind person behind Teacup Audio. May your days be good, your troubles manageable, your family be well, and your doggos fluffy.

Richard Hardslab

Thank you for the words, Tea. I feel a similarly disturbed but for different reasons. Not one for social outings I should put a dating app on my phone once more and try my hand at dating again.


You are a true queen tea never forget that


Lonely but not hopeless.. I actually think that's not bad of a saying. Loneliness may have someone feel hopeless but that wouldn't mean that they're hopeless because of it