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Hey guys -

This obviously isn’t anywhere near the majority of patrons, but if anyone sends me suggestive messages, I’m either gonna ignore you or (if you persist) I’ll block you.

All I’m providing here is content. All fictitious, all acting.

I will no longer tolerate piggish behavior. It’s gross, inappropriate and upsetting.

Sexual harassment is sexual harassment - whether in real life or online.



Nor should you ever had to endure or encounter any. I'm really sorry you had to.


Props for speaking up about it. human brains work in the weirdest ways sometimes, I'm sorry that you have to deal with such people. but this post should at least give them a warning to reconsider at the very least. wishing for you that you get no more of those strange encounters, you don't deserve that <3

John Folmer

Skip the ignoring them step and and go right to the blocking one in my opinion. It is not your job to be harassed by delusional people who fail to understand that you are just making content, so there is no need to even allow for that to happen. That's messed up on their end.

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Sorry that this keeps happening Tea. But well said if they keep acting this way block em.


Man, para-social relationships are crazy.

Jeremy Knight

Be really considerate of someone's comfort. Just because someone makes audio porn doesn't mean they want to be sexual with their patrons and like getting sexually explicit messages. I write sexually graphic scripts but remain professional.


Damn, someone must have really been in their feelings listening to those audios😂😂. Always appreciate your work tea it's unfortunate that this has happened, such a shame.


Can people be normal for 10 damn minutes


Imagine being that gross. I'm afraid to comment most times because I'm worried I'll be to weird.


Sorry you have to put up with that crap. Manners people, manners!


Hear hear! Sad this needs to be said, but important nonetheless.

Jack S. Krevin

Duly noted, no more silliness. You won't get so much as a snicker, a joke or a funny hat from me.


Sorry that you have to deal with this kind of thing.

Bill Pedersen

This is gross and disrespectful, not a way to talk to women you will not get anywhere by being a creep, rules of etiquette learn them.


“I just want to talk to them, I just want to talk to them, I just want to talk to them, I want to kill them” -Peter griffin


I'm sorry people have been treating you that way. Don't be too forgiving 🙏


Damned right. Don't be one of those people, guys. Be better. You would hate it if some guy did that to you so don't do that to another person.


Ladies, fellasmen. Come on, be better