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Please don't ever stay in a relationship because you've "invested too much time" to walk away. I'll tell you what a waste would be, staying with someone who makes you feel alone and sad and trapped. Live your life, make mistakes, just keep moving forward.

Better single and a little bit lonely, than suffocated and miserable. Being single is nowhere near as lonely as being with the wrong person.



Mike Taylor

The "Sunk Cost Fallacy" applied to a relationship.

Exl Kaldra

As someone with fear of abandonment issues I was in a poly relationship which is a horrible mix but I stayed for so long because I was able to leave my parents house and live with them. But then I feared doing anything wrong by then and losing my ticket out of my parents house. Eventually I left and am now in my own apartment and I visit my parents every weekend.

Nox Nemesis

Something that is needed to be said and heard. Thank you, Tea.

Lost Puppy



Words to live by, Miss Tea, Thank you for sharing them!


Goes for toxic friendships too!

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Thank you as always for this wonderful advice Tea.


As someone who’s had to learn this the hard way, agreed. Never doing that again (I hope)

Camilo Iribarren

Sometimes it’s that singleness and solitude that helps us discover ourselves


Thank you Tea 🥰 The same can definitely be said for friendships! Time may have been taken to make that friendship, but if you’re feeling that it is not good please get yourself to safety ❤️


This extends to non-romantic relationships too. I just left a work and church environment that had become unnecessarily stressful at best and outright toxic at worst. I thought I'd feel more guilt and apprehension leaving, but instead I just feel free, like a weight I didn't realize I was carrying just fell off.