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Ladies, gentlemen, your soft tummy is magnificent and anyone would be lucky to touch it.



Lost Puppy


Joseph Brown

Tummy worship makes a great audio. 👍 😁


This is so sweet, Man body praise can completely turn around somebodies day. I’ve always felt like I’m in such an awkward place cause of my physical attributes, I’m 6’5 and I’ve been told being an occasional little spoon is out of the question because they don’t like feeling like they’re hugging a tree. I don’t have a dad bod, so being a desirable cuddle buddy isn’t my draw either, I’m not built like a truck and because of the height I appear more skinny, can’t for the life of me put on mass because of my metabolism no matter how healthy I eat and how often I go to the gym, so clothes rarely fit my height/ width ratio in a stylish fashion, I have have an annoying amount of body hair that’s a pain to keep under control, and I still have some baby fat in my cheeks 24 years after my fuckin birth, so I gotta grow a beard to cover that up the lack of cheek bones and nice jawline, even though I’d love to just have a clean shaven face. All I see are posts praising qualities that I do NOT have, like c’mon man, I couldn’t get just ONE little thing? The positive is that the bois always hype me up, but shit man, mirrors and people who speak their mind exists, and the support to negative ratio is NOT looking good 😂


Not it's not. Someone punched it in a fight and dislocated his wrist cause he punched in a shitty angle. Nothing soft about it. Just a big stomache that can take hits.


Made me smile, thank you, Miss Tea.




I was just looking at my tum tum and thought "boy you got bigger buddy" anyways this made me feel better. :)

Mike Taylor

Mine is shrinking, thankfully, but is still very squishy and amenable to being used as a pillow.

Pall Serpent

I like the distinction of "soft" as a description for the tummy. It is a nice compliment for those of us that aren't chiseled.




My tummy, no touchy


I used to have quite a bit of tummy when I was younger. My fitness journey has me almost flat and defined but I still got some jiggle to work with 😂. But hey everybody’s got someone to like em regardless of how they look ❤️.

Richard Hardslab

I’m super ticklish there, do so at your own amusement