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"You are important. You are valid, you are worthwhile, you are your own reason to get up in the morning. You are very, very precious, and I hope you'll take very good care of yourself."




Hey, that's a good one! I'm gonna add it to the little list of affirmations my therapist had helped me put together to look at every morning/night/whenever.




Happy new year everyone!❤️ Let’s all try taking better care of ourselves this year!🥰

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Thanks again Tea for the wonderful message. Have a wonderful New Years with your family and love ones Tea!


you too, Tea. Thank you for all the amazing audios and hard work this year. Hope you have a great new year


And to you, Miss Tea, thank you for looking out for us as I hope you will yourself.

Joseph Brown

You too Tea. ❤️


I’m gonna try to take better care of myself next year. I don’t want to and certainly don’t feel like I deserve it. But I need to make more of an effort at least. Whether I like it or not I’m still gonna be around for at least a little bit longer. May as well make it a bit less painful for myself after living like I have for so long. Take care of yourself too Tea.

Lachlan Parker

Because of both my autism, and my struggle that is taking care of myself properly (which most likely resulted from my autism), I tent to focus on looking out for my mother. I don’t need to, but the extent to which I do is a little over-the-top sometimes because it’s a way to deal with my own inabilities. But I am trying, and it’s people like you (my beloved ASMR ladies) that give me the strength. Or rather, the thought that I might meet women like you in real life. Don’t stop fight yourself, Tea. This time, I won’t let you give up.

Lachlan Parker

I feel you, Ricky. But we all have people that depend on us, at least emotionally. I don’t usually want to take care of myself either, but I do it for my mother, who worries a lot about my health. And I’m glad that you’re going to try. We’ll be right here beside you.


I love your pinch of positivity letters. It's so heartwarming.