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Yeah, so I cut my own bangs.

It’s bad. Contemplating not going outside again bad. 

Please don’t cut your bangs or your own hair unless you have the skills and hairdressing scissors. Please, learn from me.

Currently, trying to find ways to casually style a balaclava.

Jokes aside, hair is just hair, it will grow back and everyone looks like a dick now and again. Merry Christmas 🤶 



Yeah, I wear those all the time. Bangs are in the way all the time. I find a BUFF to be very useful. It is a stretchy tube that can go over your hair. Easy to wear,, many ways to wear them. They are commonly seen on the show "Survivor." You can find many versions online, with many styles. Look around and see if you find any you like. I suggest either VANCROWN or BUFF, both have a large selection. https://youtu.be/-mtE8EANyVk

David Murphy

Thanks for the tip! Merry Christmas, Tea!


"Oop I messed up, gotta go bald"

John Folmer

You should shave your hair into a mohawk. That way it adds to the esthetic.

Squirrle team 6

When I was little I cut my Sisters hair and gave her bangs that couldn’t be fixed bc they were so shot

Lachlan Parker

I used a full-body electric shaver on my head a couple weeks ago (after cleaning up unwanted hair), and ended up using a guard that was way too short. I wanted what my Dad refers to as a "tennis ball" hairstyle (it's basically a buss cut at a slightly different length), but ended up with the scalp visible in between the strands of hair, although I did still actually have hair. It's filled out now so that there's no visible skin under the hair, but I was too embarrassed to even take a joke about it for the first 10 days or so. Also, my younger brother cut his own bangs once, a few years ago. It looked like shit. Anyway, Merry Christmas, you adorkable (wholesome degenerate) devil. We love you just a little bit more for sharing something embarrassing yet cute (in a dorky way) with us. Take care, please.


If everyone who does this messes up then why do people still do it?

Joseph Brown

Merry Christmas Tea. Lots of love. Get some rest


Okay, since you got bangs I have to ask: are you doing okay? 😅


Sounds like you gave yourself a military crewcut by accident. But yeah it'll take some time but it'll grow back. at least we can laugh about our mistakes.

Lachlan Parker

Indeed we can. Every experience can be a learning experience. And being able to laugh at upsetting thangs helps. It just took me longer this time because I was solely responsible for my haircut for the first time.