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"Interviewer: So, what have you learned since becoming a VA?  

Me: Men love big women who can kick their asses and hold them like they're tiny babies."

Also MANY men who identify as heterosexual have a thing for penises. Kinda furthering my subscription to the idea that sexuality is fluid and we all fall somewhere on a spectrum.




Yes those facts are indeed factual

Mika Koverola

Truth. So where can we read / listen / watch this interview?


Unfortunately, I use a different name for my other VA work and I like to keep Teacup separate from that. The interview was done with that name, not Teacup :)


as a switch I wanna say this is very accurate lol


tea, I love ya, but can you stop call me out, please

Sekhmet D

Despite neither of these applying to me, I appreciate that a demand for both exists and commend you for ensuring that demand is met. It's all about inclusivity.


I mean, youre not wrong '^u^ dicks are nice


I mean...you're not wrong. I've always had a thing for tomboys/athletic women who could kick my ass even though I'm a big gamer nerd. Could be opposites attract kinda thing, but you put a tan chick with an athletic frame in front of me? Suddenly I get jelly legs and am trying not to swallow my tongue xD


Depends on how dommy said dommy mommy GF gets, light dom I'm cool with, and am a switch as well 😆 As to the penis bit... undecided TBH. Like, obviously I like big dicks in porn, and futa stuff is an offshoot of that, but not entirely sold on if I'd want my decidedly female significant other having one or not... Fun to fantasize about 2 ladies doing it, with one having a dick, but don't think I'd want a be-dicked female involved in my personal sexy time. Still, to each their own, and good on ya for catering to the wide world of fetishes/kinks Tea 😊

Buck Toddrustle

To quote Spike from Cowboy Bebop: I love the kinda woman that can kick my ass.

Mika Koverola

Entirely understandable. Thank you for bringing the relevant highlights over to the degenerate side :)

