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"99.9% of the people who support me are wonderful, respectful dudes who know I'm just a woman who moans into a mic. As for that 0.01% who feel entitled to both demand and demean women who provide NSFW content, please just leave. Your patronage is neither wanted nor needed.

You are the equivalent of the dude who makes fun of people who work at MacDonalds, but then rocks up at 2AM for a Big Mac. You are entitled, ignorant, and just plain incorrect. All jobs are worthwhile jobs and all employees deserve respect."






I keep seeing the female asmr artists I support get hit by those people, what happened to "treat others like you want to be treated?"


Somedays im truly embarrassed of humans


Some men being trash as useal. Love your stuff Tea keep it up.

Mike Taylor

These are the same people who get pissed when their free source of audios, which they put up for sale and then pocket the cash from, is taken from them. A certain UK VA has had to deal with that recently.


I'm a dude myself and I know we are garbage the work you do is great keep it up. Your work gives me piece of mind in my hard times and anxiety. Ignore all the haters.😁👍💖


Just a pinch is more than enough❤️


It’s one thing to be judged for your work such as “I don’t like her audios and it’s not my type of thing” which is understandable, but to act like these type of degenerates “you need to make this MY WAY or else I will unsubscribblabble” is just disgusting. If it’s not to your liking, walk away and go find it somewhere else.


Tea you just don't "moan into a mic" you help people who don't know what to do with their life and I'm one of them. Was going through rejection always felt like shit, cursed myself when I discovered you and slowly but surely you're the one who helped get back up, not only have you helped me move on but also helped see life as it should be, thanks to you I know what I have to do in my life and if shit hits fan again, I know where I'll find the comfort that I want, so please stop demeaning yourself by saying that you "moan into a mic" because you're much more than that you queen 👑

Just Plain Joe

Well said Tea. If they don't like it, they can leave.


Fax, Love ya always 🤎

Flux Goodra

Aaaaand there’s the 1% ruining shit once again


One day, Karma will catch up to them. And she won't be happy. Teacupaudio and everyone, never let the haters get under your skin. They want to waste your time and divert your energy down, away from your goals. Protect your happiness. You deserve it. 💛


A friend of mine has a saying for people who complain about content. "If you don't like this, and you think it's easy, go and do it yourself." So, the 0.01% can go and make their own audios if they don't like it. The rest of us will stay here and gladly enjoy your content. You're awesome, Tea. 👍


Addendum that Tea shouldn't, and hopefully will not, say: Leave, and GO TO THERAPY.


“Fuck em” -Rosa Parks

Damian WhiteHorse

We appreciate you moaning into a mic for us, you're very good at it :D

Jeremy Knight

I wonder what was said this time. audio porn was the only thing I can turn to since I can't view it visually. People are always going to be shitty.


I never understand why you listen or watch content, so apparently enjoy it, and then feel the need to be a douchecanoe towards the content creator? Listen to it, enjoy it and say 'thank you Tea'. That's how you're momma raised you.

Timothy Shaw

Now wait a fucking minute 99.9% + .01% is 99.91%! So what the fuck about the .09%?


If that .01% ruins Tea making amazing audio that the rest of us love so much, I will be unrelentingly pissed. 🤬🤬 She is my biggest inspiration to make my own audio roleplays, as it is something I love to listen too and soon make. Her audios really help.

Camilo Iribarren

Thankfully, Tea knows her worth and that’s what matters


Go off queen

Timothy Shaw

Well if you start let me know if you post them on YouTube and I'll give it a listen!


Thank you Timothy! I just need to get a proper mic and the program to use, and I will start posting.

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Thank you once again Tea. As a fast food worker myself I know that analogy all too well.

Robert Malmstrom

I’m just here for the wholesome degeneracy


Much love your way Tea, you spit some pretty solid facts that a lot of people need to hear. "Customer is always right" is some pathetic BS.