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"Don't you ever do that to me again..."

A house can be rebuilt

Things can be replaced

All that matters is us.

"Because I won't survive."


Well, I truly wanted to do this one and I am so glad I did, but now I officially have no voice. I'll be back in a few days when I can swallow my own spit again. Thank you for your patience.



P.S. Patreon keeps saying that the files are invalid. I have no idea why. I apologise for having to upload them. I appreciate it's annoying. I just don't want to leave you without being able to access the content. 

I've had to delete the previous post and upload it again, I'd truly appreciate it your lovely comments here. Thank you so, so much. Sorry for all the mess :)


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio



Thank you 🖤


Patreon also has been giving me issues when I go to download the audios for travel. I no longer get a title, just "download1.mp4" or something like that. So Patreon has to fix something since they updated recently.

Dreaded Sagittarii

Jesus, this is a really creative use for sick voice


Love the premise and Im so excited. Thank you Tea :)


You are a true trooper. Get well soon!


Aye, I've been unable to download Tea's content for a week now. I just get "download unsuccessful" after a long while. Patreon needs to do some fixes

sa r dran 24

Damn, that was incredible

Mika Koverola

Wow, truly a creative way to use a hoarse voice. Now rest, pretty please

Don.tbother mewiththat

as always incredible work, well done! But dang Tea take care of urself first before thinking of us, please.


If “Squish” in the name of the dog that’s hilarious


Oooh I'm excited for this one. May shed a tear as well

Andy B

Please take some time off and get well. Thank you

Jeremy Knight

Holy shit... despite this being really good your voice sounds completely wrecked. I was kinda hoping that there would be a joke at the end about the fireplace but this being serious is fine. I've never been in a housefire before but I've seen a few. Take as much time as you need Tea.

Mike Taylor

This was magnificent. A nice change of pace. Now go rest and drink a lot of water.

Mike Taylor

I'm betting Squish is a Shar Pei Bassett Hound mix. Go look them up.

Squirrle team 6

Thank you tea but it sounds like you are REALLY sick. You should take a break for a couple days till you get better, we will be fine we got over 9,000 Audios we can lies to while you get rest.

Warden D.

Wow this was one hell of an audio. Good work! But I agree that you need to take a break. Take care of yourself.


Take time to rest. Treat yo self to some self care baby bird!


man when to gets emotional you are in for a show. this is amazing


Your poor voice Tea, but you did so well!


She is a genius for figuring this out man!!! She just can't be stopped!!!

The Keys

Dang....you are just Top Tier awesome. Very talented. Thanks for the hard work even when you are under the weather. Glad I decided to be a patron.

The Keys

It'd be dope if this turned into a whole action series where you're an Arson Investigator and you got targeted by a pyro for getting too close.


I mean, that was simply incredible


Great audio but please rest ❤️


🥺 Thanks for the audio Tea, make sure you rest!


As someone who lost his house to a fire this May this hits home P.S: no joke in general


Sick voice Tea is movie tier here, not even remotely kidding.

Owl Face

Ayyy! Using sick voice to simulate that smoke rasp was genius.

Christopher Haist

yeah, no, i didnt need to not cry today.


Yo Tea love the audio but damn that cold sounds bad pro gamer move using it to your advantage please get some rest and feel better! Keep us updated!

Mason Thompsen

Fire Safety Public Announcement: If you need to open a door in a fire situation, DO NOT go straight for the knob. If there is a fire on the other side, the knob will burn the shit out of your hand. Instead, feel the wood of the door with the BACK of your hand. If it is hot, there is likely fire on the otherside. In this case, it is likely best to find another escape route (after all, you don't want to be running INTO the fire). If there is no other escape route, then tear off a strip of your shirt and wad it up. You WILL get burnt either way; this will, however, lessen the blow. Remember to close every door you open behind you: leaving it open can add more oxygen to the flames, making them grow.


Yo this was awesome! I love how you incorporated your own cold into the scenario that was so cool. Get well soon and get some rest😁.


Tea, holy shit. This...this hit hard, and I'm glad you did it.


Please take care and get rest! Get well soon!

Jakub Juchniewicz

Damn that was a lot of coughing and wheezing, are you ok? Superior work as always though :)

Aryk Strykker

Great acting! This hits close to home. Something everyone fears.

Nam Bui

Fantastic work!

chris mann

Thought i was dead ha! The gods will have try harder then that to kill me!.....i left the coffee maker on again didn't I?