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Hey Teacups -

As you know, I adore your input. So, how do you feel about the new mic?

I personally feel it lends itself really well to the story based audios and even the erotic ones. But, you tell me what you think.

Please be assured that I will still use the 3Dio to finish off the Ara Ara Series and other ASMR based audios.

Thank you.

Best wishes,




It's fantastic 😀

Jeremiah Eoff

Love it! 100% approve!


It is amazing, and I think the mix is going to add so much more, thank you x


It’s been fantastic as far as Im concerned 👍


Works fine.


It works wonders ! 👌🏻


it's bangin




I think it does amazing! The sound quality and emphasis on little nuances. I feel it enhances your already amazing voice. I love all your mics but this one really adds something awesome! As always Tea thank you for being who you are and for making these amazing audios for all us internet strangers. I love all your work and audios and even love your tweets too. Again thank you so so much for just being you and making all these amazing and perfect in my opinion content your dedication is on a goddessly level. Remember to take breaks often and love yourself 😊

Jared Chinchello

The new mic has been nothing but an improvement.


I think the quality is very good! But does that mic stop you from changing between the left and right ear? The new audios are centered the whole time. In my opinion it feels more realistic when you change sides. But anyway, great audios ^^

Flux Goodra

I must be deaf cause I can’t tell the difference honestly. But that also means I can’t hear anything wrong with the mic so... there’s that at least


It sounds pretty good, not much different from the Shure or 3DIO

Samwise Thebravee

I will miss the stereo sound, it felt so immersive and real :(


Big happy

Mike Taylor

I've heard nothing but good things about Sennheiser. My (now former) customers have been pleased with the performance of their equipment.


There will still be stereo audios with the 3Dio mic. I hope that’s some good news ❤️


Works for me. I don't see (or hear) any problems. Keep up the good work.

David Murphy

It's a great mic. I like it.


Keep doing what you're doing tea. It's all amazing


I like the new mic. The sound balance does great for your voice. It didn't sound bad with the old one please don't think that lol.

Gary Mullen

I can say that both this new mic and the 3Dio have their respective places in your work. The Sennheiser has been excellent thus far and your quality has not dwindled in the slightest. This one has really mixed well with your voice and gives wonderful quality audios. To mention the surround sound, for me personally there are times where I like surround in ASMR and it can be immersive, but there is still times I really like the audio to be equally balanced between both sides, and the Sennheiser does a very good job of matching your usual quality. For me, I like it a lot, and I also love the idea of keeping the 3Dio around for audios too, best of both worlds :3


It sounds to same to me actually lol

Nam Bui

Audio quality sounds great. Clear, clean, crisp, natural, and no pops!