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So, what would you like me to babble about?



I can see the Parents one being done. I really find it that a lot of the time they'll be the excuse for the actions of their kid, and while A LOT of the time there's a truth to it, it's also in most cases still an excuse. We all have free will to be different from the ones that came before us. We need a generational reform of Taking Responsibility For Our Actions. We need that to come back.


Thank you


Not surprised that the one about your first time is winning the vote because it absolutely is true, and sorry Tea. I highly disagree that it “will probably suck” because it WILL suck. It happens for everyone and that’s okay. My first time sucked because: 1) I didn’t consider how she was feeling or wanted; 2) I didn’t bother with foreplay; 3) I was too nervous and should’ve relaxed; 4) I didn’t experiment; and 5) We only fucked in missionary position All of these things above have had happened to others, but just like with various things, it’s a learning experience. It’s perfectly okay that your first time is not good, boring, or the worst sex you will ever have. No one is a sex expert when they start out even if you looked at porn or had toys and/or dolls like I did. Sex is like everything else in life, it’s a learning experience, and if you want to be a better lover, educate yourself and/or practice. I did the former, and the second, third, and fourth times (seriously only had sex 4 times) got better, were more fun, and helped me find what kind of lover I am like in bed. If I can be better, YOU can be better. You can laugh at or cringe about the first time but don’t be ashamed. It’s a part of life. Everyone goes through it.

Yeehaw Gundam

>Why self pity should be moderated That sign won't stop me because I can't read!


The parents and giving a s*** one would be interesting to hear.