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I'm sorry about the mass posts, guys, but I don't think there's any other appropriate way to handle this.

I've mass emailed everyone who's cancelled their pledge with the below message. Hopefully it will reach the person who left the exit survey. I've also contacted Patreon support and requested assistance. 

I'm posting it here for anyone else who might be feeling unwell, lost or vulnerable. 

Please look after yourself and please reach out. 


Hey everyone -

I apologize for messaging you, but someone left a very unsettling exit survey and I felt I had to message everyone who has previously been a patron. 

Someone left the exit message: "I won't be alive after today."

I truly do not mean to be patronising, condescending, or meddling in any way. I do not know you, what you're going through, or how long you've been in pain. I don't even know that the message is about suicide. But if you are contemplating hurting yourself, ending your life, please, please do not. 

Whatever you're going through right now, whatever's happened, it's okay. I know it must be the worst it's ever been, but absolutely nothing stays the same forever. You deserve to get help, you deserve the time to come away from this situation and be safe.

I don't know you, but I know that people would absolutely care if anything happened to you, even people you don't know. We're not just here for ourselves, we're here for others, including strangers.

Please, please, if you're in pain, please reach out. People will help you.

I'll leave the USA National Suicide & Crisis Hotlines here:


I really just hope you're okay. 

Best wishes,




Thank you

Elijah King

I hope the individual gets the message. It's hard to find the right thing to say in a situation like this, but I pray for their safety nonetheless.


Times have been hard for me lately. I turn to these audios for comfort and I’m glad that u are one of the creators who actually care about their viewers. It means a lot that u put the hotline because, ngl, I was planning to end my life in a few days but I saw the hotline instead and started therapy. So really thank u!!

The Jolly Dane

Praying and begging that this reaches them in time 🙏🙏🙏 The world is a better place with this person in it


Hopefully this reaches them.


I'm not suicidal, but I am incredibly depressed. I'm 23, jobless, lonely, and living with my parents. I told my mother that I want to see someone for professional help and was pretty much told they would tell me the same things she does (which are very unhelpful things), and I know that's not true. Not that it would matter because I looked at places near me and none of them seemed too positive. So right now I'm just living each day sad and alone until I can figure out how to fix my life. Giving up is an option, not the answer. (Not entirely sure if what I typed is applicable, but just thought I'd put it out there)


Anyone reading this, please do get help. You know who was the best help for me? My family especially my mom. Reach out to your family and best friends. Tell them your pain. They will help you. I completely understand these feelings and wanted to commit suicide too, but there’s always help and there’s no shame at all in reaching out for help. These feelings are temporary and you will miss so much of what life can give you. Please get help. Last minute addition: I am starting to tear up saying these things to hopefully save someone’s life. I know what you’re feeling. PLEASE get help.


Obviously I'm not the one from the exit survey, but I deal with a lot of mental health issues, and life has been pretty bad for the last few years, so honestly it means a lot to me as well how seriously you are taking this. I listen to asmr and rp audios to deal with my loneliness and anxiety/depression, and thoughts like this person's are a pretty regular thing for me, and your warmth and care I can feel in your content makes a huge difference for me.

Entity Erebus

It really sucks that we cannot do very much. The most we can do now is hope


Sorry about your situation. Look up now and then, and maybe you'll see something beautiful at some point. I hope an opportunity for you to improve things comes along.


🙌 I hope the therapy goes well, and things get better!

Jacob Griffith

Another great resource in the US is the Crisis Text Line which can be reached by texting 741-741, if you ever need help but are uncomfortable with a phone call


It’s me, you can double check the name from twitter. Thank you everyone, i genuinely appreciate it. I’m still alive and kicking. My life is hell and it hurts to wake up every day. Yesterday i held back for some reason but i don’t know why. Thank you all.


Sorry for that. It must suck. I hope they are ok.

Camilo Iribarren

Help is something everyone needs, at some point of our lives. Please, don’t hesitate

Tommy Hiesto

I pray that whoever is faced with issues like this can get through it without harm or casualty sometimes i wish problems like suicide and depression can be solved with a snap of the fingers i hate knowing people are faced with such a fucked why of living thinking so little of yourself i just hope whoever reads this you are strong you are unique you are worthy of life you are human and i hope you know that love all of you stay safe


To whoever wrote that, please please go get the help you need. And to everyone else please do not write things like this to your favourite content creators. It is not fair to them to put them on a guilt trip for something that isn’t their fault and make them panic or have to write something like this. If you feel anything like this PLEASE talk to the people who can help you, it is not healthy to yourself or others to feel this way or say these sorts of things ❤️


This comes as a reminder to me that we should all remember to try and be there for the people in our own lives. There’s always that possibility that someone we know might be wanting our help, but isn’t openly saying it.


I've mentioned above, I built a list of friends and loved ones who would be deeply hurt, or even broken, if I harmed myself. Their names are my mantra in the darkest moments. No matter how I feel about myself, I love those people and I could never harm them. That's been my strategy. Whatever you find that helps is good. When it's dark, you need to remind yourself that you don't exist in a vaccuum. Even people you don't know care that you're OK. Total strangers care. I honestly believe there's not one of us who hasn't been in that moment of pain where we just want it to stop. That's enough for us to care that you, too make it through those times. I don't know what else you're going through, but pain is pain, and your pain is your own, we can only know what drove us to consider that particular option. I'm glad you're still with us, and I'm sure there are people who would be heartbroken to know they nearly lost you. There is a difference between what you deserve and what you experience. Other people and situations failing to recognize that has nothing to do with your worth, it's they who are failing you. ***Consensual virtual hugs if you want them***