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Hello Teacups,

As I mentioned a few days ago, I'd really love to use this little break productively. As such I've been brainstorming some new ideas that we could try out here on our Patreon page. 

This poll is just so I can easily identify how much interest there is (if any) for each listed idea. Nothing is going to immediately change. I just firmly believe that in order to better your experience as patrons, we need to keep fresh and try new things.

With that being said, please vote on which new ideas (if any) interest you. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, input, etc, please feel free to comment down below.

All the best,




Does more realism means no nsfw


I think that it should be a balance for the realistic and romantic audios, because they are really nice to listen to as well


I mean, realism is neat, but I’ve always had a soft spot for the fantastical personally.


Number 1 sounds interesting.


All of these are pretty dope, but writing excites me so #1 is my choice for sure.


Fantasy, realism and romance in balance is always great. Variety is the spice if life and I'd never want you to get bored, Tea.

Joshua Workman

I don't see a problem with a romantic focus, personally.


Anything and everything honestly. As long as your still enjoying it I will too.