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"I’m serious. Save your worry and your kindness for someone who actually deserves you."


So here they are - the four horsemen of the apocalypse: wine, pain, self-loathing, your best friend in  the whole world.

They apparently called an emergency meeting of the council. The meeting site? Your place, of course. 

They were concerned due to the following:

Your ex girlfriend cheated on you, you told her it was over, and yet still she has the gall to act like the insulted party!

You had best believe your in for an evening of profanity, outrage and unconditional support...

Hell, maybe even the idea that there might be someone better. 


One of the Tea's Finest members was kind enough to email me and suggest that I share their personalised audio with everyone (to tide you all over until I'm fit for work). As such, massive thanks goes to Donovan R. It was such a kind gesture, and I throughly appreciate it. 

P.S. It's quite evident in the audio that even though the speaker is in love with the listener, she does not use the listener's vulnerability to take advantage of him. Yes, she clumsily admits she has feelings for him, but she never pushes the issue or uses his sadness as a gateway to getting what she wants. If someone is vulnerable, i.e. just coming out of a relationship - do not try to immediately get with them! Support them, be their friend and respect their pain. 

All the best,





I hope you guys enjoy! :)


Well damn! Thank you Donovan. That was fantastic.

Joshua Workman

This one hits a little close to home because almost the exact same thing happened to me years ago, minus the whole her acting insulted part. I burnt that bridge.


Been there man. Funny because when I requested this audio, I didn’t tell Tea that my ex cheated on me and then got upset when I was not cool about her cheating. It sucks and honestly still hurts a little.


i fucking lost my shit at the beginning xD