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Hello Teacups,

Same as usual:

Let me know in the comments what concept you'd like as the Patreon exclusive audio this week.

I'll use your ideas to form a poll. Then tomorrow we vote.

All the best,




An audio about kids, a wife role play about her wanting kids but the other a little afraid to have them. Kind of an argument slash reassurance piece that everything will be fine, and that they will make a great parent.


I really like the idea of a Space ships captain and rouge ai, I have have watched Nightflyers recently. Though maybe less Yandere mum and more gaining emotions and connecting the the Captain perhaps?


A musician and a hard working roadie.


I would really like to see some fantasy audios like interacting with mystical beings or joining guilds


Here's one I've been bouncing around in my head: either Adventurer!Tea or Adventurer!Listener fall in battle, only to wake up in an entirely new land. Disoriented and wounded, they happen upon a forest ranger who patches them up and helps them deal with their new surroundings. Might be a language barrier, might be a cultural barrier, might be initially afraid or hostile, but ultimately the ranger would be kind at heart. Again, either role could be the listener as far as I'm concerned. Depends on how you might wanna play it. ❤


Yeah! Like Tea is a guitar virtuoso or front-woman for a band, and the listener is running her through sound check or lugging around the gear after the show for the umpteenth time.


St. Paddys day is this upcoming sunday. What about taking the day and hitting up our favorite pub and just chatting a bit?


@chupabro Kiss her! She's Irish! 😂😂😂😉


A cute romantic proposal audio! Example scenario: You’ve been together for almost 7 years and he finally pops the question. He’s been acting weird all week and you’re not quite sure what’s up, no hints of a proposal though or anything. You guys go on an out of town trip. He surprises you with a dinner. First a sweet serenade and a short speech of how much he loves you. Finally, after 7 wonderful years he gets down on one knee and asks you to marry him. And then after, back in the hotel room... 😄


Passing idea. We assume the role of a brand new adventurer looking for a guild to help guide us through the dangers of the outside world. Walking into a smaller guild house, we are greeted by a very over excited Tea who immediately throws a guild charter in our face. Thinking things are going a bit to fast, we turn to leave but Tea blocks the door and tries to get us to stay by explaining that she use to be a great adventure along side her guild, However, after some disagreements, the guild fell apart, leaving her as the only remaining member. Without any new members, the guild will be completely disbanded by the adventurers society. One signature later, Tea lights up, hugging us with glee and rambles about the fun we will have.


Something Punk rock. Where both you and the listener are in a punk rock band


This has probably already been requested, but honestly a sequel to the last wholesome girlfriend scene would be good! You ended it with a romantic bath, so maybe working with that? Or take it another direction? In any case look forward to it!


Lewd maid


Tea is traveling with a group of friends to some historical/exotic location and ends up with a minor injury. She has to rely on the kindness of a stranger to help get her to hospital, only to find out her rescuer (who thankfully speaks English) lives not far from where she does back home. *Based on a true story where a college girl twisted her ankle on some ruins in Spain and had to be carried down Cleopatra-style by some helpful strangers. And they had no ice packs so they tracked down some frozen peas to keep her ankle from swelling while she was waiting to be examined at the hospital. .... Tea gets dragged along on Girl's Night and, as she's the most shy and responsible of the group, is expected to be the designated driver to get everyone home. Then she meets the listener who's in the same boat - stuck in a crowded noisy uncomfortable bar, but now with an intriguing Teacup who would definitely "yes please!" like to go talk about nerd stuff out on the patio. .... Tea, the drunk Veterinarian. I have no idea why this idea sounds so funny to me, but it does. I'm weird :) .... Tea and the listener in either some exotic location, or some other time period (or both) passing as two ships in the night... a temporary romance in an unlikely place. .... Whatever you decide, Tea, thanks so much for asking for your fans' input. You're truly a phenomenal artist, and we're lucky to have you!


Mistress and damaged Slave. "What did they do to you?" And "I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner." kinda thing.


Maid asmr “do u need anything master”

Joshua Workman

Seconding both the St. Patrick's Day and Mistress and damaged slave ideas. But not friends to lovers, as much as I like those. Already in a relationship.


I agree with this... Except the relationship thing. But these idea are pretty cool


It's from a long time ago but strangely i'd like to hear more of the couple from your "intimacy issue" serie.


I think a mistress and damaged slave RP would be cool.


Maybe some more yandere stuff, been awhile since we’ve seen crazy tea.


You are an angel fallen from heaven and the listener helps you or you are the angel that the listener has been wishing for to help them ease their sorrow. Reference the Band Nightwish: I wish I had an Angel

Steven Tep

Boyfriend proposes to tough girlfriend RP


What about a hero type thing were the listener has been hurt really bad and you find them and patch them up, the hero doesn't have any powers and the city thinks they are a criminal because the way they do things aren't the best way to do things


The Gypsy part 2 maybe?