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Happy Saturday, Teacups!

I truly hope I don’t annoy anyone with the constant tweets. I just think sometimes it helps to hear a little bit of happy blabbering.

I wish you all nothing but happiness and I hope my constant chirping can be a small part of that.

I honestly just want you guys to feel connected, safe and heard.

All my love,

Tea x




We can but try, eh Tea?


Not at all. I wouldn't get why people would get annoyed. Your tweets put smiles on people's faces 😊


Annoy me with your tweets ? I'm almost waiting for them ^^ you're like a little ray of sunshine, happiness and hope available regularly

Joshua R

Whatever you do, don't stop. This helps alot of us. I promise.


A little positivity makes a huuuuuge difference. If I still had a Twitter account you'd be one of the few I'd have notifications for. XD


Don’t stop tweeting. It’s something I look forward to everyday and shows that your active a lot 😊

John Giss

Thank you for your amazing thoughts you always share with other people. It really helps so often to get through a tough day.

Richard Hardslab

It's hard to be annoyed and frustrated with someone who's trying to spread a little joy in general. It can either brighten my day, or if I'm not ready for the message I can accept it later.


They really help me out


How could we ever tire of your positivity? Imagine unexpectedly stubbing your toe on something... You, dear Tea, are the exact opposite of that πŸ˜‰