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I love y’all.


All i want to do is be near my partner but i cant and its killing me. My "family" wont stop rubbing it in my face. I can't wait for v day to be over.


You can pick your family. Sometimes more easily than others, speaking from a position of privilege, but have faith. You've got everything you need in the meantime. :D


Love is a funny word - it has so many meanings for so many people. But I've got compassion and respect for all.

boi aguirre

Its funny i used to get stressed over Valentine's day cuz i was alone and didn't have anyone. Now i don't care am alone am stressing bout my finances which sucks cuz i make good money and shouldn't have this stresses but unforseen circumstances are just killin me right now. Am sorry i know that has nothing to do with anything I'm just crazy stressed and got no one to talk to bout it. So writing this is kinda cathartic. Sorry please ignore this comment. Hope everyone has a great V day and your technically not alone. We all got Teacup to help us with crippling loneliness lol


Amen to that love yourself, your friends, family and people who did even realize they need some love in the life.