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Hello Teacups -

It might seem like a silly question, but which audio would you like uploaded first tomorrow?

It has been said (in the VA/ASMR community) that listeners don't enjoy an audio as much if they have to choose between two uploads at the same time. So, would having one uploaded earlier in the day and then one in the evening, help you enjoy them more?

You are my patrons, and what you want is important. If I'm overthinking this, please let me know. But I think it's always wise to check if in doubt. You guys are the backbone of TeacupAudio, so what you wish is my command! 

So, would you like them uploaded at the same time, one after the other, OR MAYBE NOT AT ALL? 

Let me know.






At the same time!!


Same time


Not at all, just cause I don't think you'd do it...


I’ll put my betting money on Will You Be Mine? first, and Valentines Sucks! second.

Lisa Palmer

Doesn't matter to me


Which ever decision happens, I normally listen to the patreon audios around like 8 or 9. But I would have to say Will You Be Mine first


NOT AT ALL......... ...would I ever dream of asking you to not upload anything. 😉


*slaps three 500$ Monopoly bills on the table* You're on, mate!


Whenever they’re uploaded doesn’t matter to me, I’m gonna listen to them both anyway


I'd say do both at the same time but I trust your decision either way.


Same time 😤


I don't have time to listen to anything until after work anyways, so it hardly matters from my perspective- whether or not they go up at the same time, I'll wind up getting the chance to listen at the same time.


Same time pls


I love that you're conscientious enough to think of a detail like this, Tea. I'm going to listen to both, so I'm perfectly fine with whichever posts first. I can't imagine anyone being upset about what order they receive your content, but I've been wrong before...


I mean, either one is fine or at the same time....it doesn't really matter AL long as we get them....however, the NOT AT ALL Option can go fly a flipping kite.