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Hello Teacups,

I regret to inform that there will be no Frisky Friday this week on account of me having to look after my niece and nephew. My sister has had an emergency and she had to drop the kids off with me. 

Although I'm sure you can all already figure out my problem, I'll just make it crystal clear: it is not appropriate to record anything of a 'Frisky' nature whilst children are around. 

The kicker of this whole mess is that I actually stayed up till 4am this morning trying to get the acting up to par (but alas, I am in no way happy with my stressed-out, over-worked, tired performance). I realise it might seem as if I am being overly critical, but I do take this job very seriously. I believe that I should always prioritise quality over quantity.

Once again, I am very sorry for this poor timing, but family has to come first. And children should never be exposed to things that they are not old enough to understand. 

On the bright side, however this means not one but TWO FRISKY FRIDAY AUDIOS NEXT WEEK!

Thank you so much for your understanding, Teacups.

I really do appreciate it.

All the best,





It’s all fine Tea!

Richard Hardslab

Yeah, that feels completely reasonable. Hopefully the kids don't give you too much trouble!

Martin Morbach

No Problem. Hopefully you and your sister (and her kids) doing well?!


Chill and have fun with the kids. FF can wait a bit.


All good Tea, as the brother of a modern woman, meaning a sister who travels on business a lot, I end up taking care of two 'lovely' and not-at-all bratty 5 year olds quite often. So I can sympathise. Good luck and (try to) have fun. :)))

Warden D.

Don't sweat it too much. I'm pretty sure we all can understand that life does not play by our rules. Wish you the best!


It's all good. Family comes first. Hope your sister is okay


All good, Tea. Enjoy your time with the family!


Completely reasonable


Don't worry about it, just try to relax and get to work when you can.

Ghonnathan Bagwell

Understandable, hope everything works out well


All good, all good.


Keep those whipper snappers in check Tea!


Family most definitely comes first. Don't worry about us.


Aun-tea Tea😂🤣 I’ll leave now..

Tyler wimberley

Family comes first easy as that no worry tea


And that’s why you’re the best Tea.