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The 'Anime Girlfriend' series is starting tomorrow, Teacups.

I'm very excited as this has been something I've wanted to explore for a long time.

With that in mind, I want to make sure it lives up to expectation. As such, I wanted to get your thoughts. I have two scripts that I could use for this concept, and I'd like to know which you'd prefer. 

The first script is about the 'Anime Girlfriend' being a form of downloadable artificial intelligence. The listener downloads the girlfriend, and they explore what her purpose is, and why the listener has downloaded her. This script deals with loneliness, a love for anime, intimacy issues and much more.

The second script focuses on the listener and the 'Anime Girlfriend' in the context of an anime itself. Both are aware that they are anime characters, and both have the knowledge that people watch their lives as if it's a show. Almost as if they are in The Big Brother house, they bitch about their roles, talk about their trials, mock their physical features ('Why are my boobs the size of Cantelopes?" Etc), and basically trash-talk the ridiculousness of their situations.

The artificial intelligence route leaves a lot of room for selfawareness, forming a relationship, and tackling loneliness. Where as the 'Anime world context' allows for humour and sass.

Let me know your thoughts,



P.S. The stunning artwork was done by the magnificent arcadechan. Find them on Tumblr. 

Tumblr Page:





Reading these two ideas makes me think "BOTH!!!! 🤩🤩🤩" because both of them would be really interesting and good...


Oof. Both good options. Gun to my head I suppose I'd go with option 1?


I like option 1 better. It may help us deal with loneliness issues.

Billy Denton

First one, please!

Warden D.

First of all I love the new art! It's adorable. I think I'd like to listen to the second script. Though both sound really good, I'm in the mood for some sass.


Both sound amazing! I'd like to hear the second one.


Both sound very good but I think the first leaves more room to make a series so I'd have to say the first

Kris Grimsley

Both sound awesome, but I think I like the first one just a little bit more

Richard Hardslab

The first one had me better gripped until you mentioned the second script sassing Anime Tropes. In the end they both sound really good, and I'd love for there to be a way to get both done. And that picture is ADORABLE!


+1 for Option 1


As much fun as the second one sounds like (nevermind the canteloupe boobs, what about the half-skull eyes?) I find the concept of the first script more compelling. Not that I'd argue against both coming to fruition over time.


The first one really have alot of room to become some special I can feel it. Number 1 it is


+1 option 1. The second idea sounds pretty amusing as a one-off but I think the first has better grounding for a series.


Why not both? ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯


NANI???? Although I do like the first one, second one sounds a bit better. Would love to see both at some point.


Both concepts sound amazing, but I personally vote for the second one.


Number 1 I think


Both are nice, but personally I much prefer the first option.


+1 for first one, but both scripts sounds amazing.


Number 1.


The first one sounds like the best be option to me


I like A.I bit and I’ve been in a deep meaning of things type of mood lately so definitely wanna hear something like that haha


Honestly, it would be a shame to see either script go to waste. Both sound fun in their own ways

Matt G

I vote option one :)


I vote for the A.I. I’m genuinely interested in that idea especially since I really loved the movie Her.