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Very cool. Iโ€™m starting the month off right by watching all of the Omen movies.


catch me on that The Corpse Bride train(well ... all the tim burtons tbh)


Is nightmare before Christmas technically a Halloween Movie?

Gary Nevills

Digging out my copy of John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness, my all-time favorite horror movie.


Iโ€™ll probably just watch the childโ€™s play movies again

Richard Hardslab

Sweeney Todd made me super nervous about shaving with my straight razor for a month or two the first time I watched it. The second time I watched it I had a hilarious time noticing all the stuff he was doing wrong XD

Joshua Hoover

Hocus Pocus all October!


A day where it's socially acceptable to pretend to be someone else? How is there not two Halloweens a month?? One of the many things I'll change when I'm elected King of America...