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Hey Teacups,

As I'm sure you're aware by now, I like to keep as updated with you guys as I possibly can. I think in order to give you what you want, I need to hear your thoughts. Hopefully that is seen as accomadating and not annoying. 

Anyway, I wanted to get your insights on what you'd like more or less of on my Patreon. This is just a general enquiry about what you guys think would make being my patron a better experience?

Would you like more interaction with me as a person? Would you like a spicy audio every Friday (if that's possible :D)? Would you like to keep the monthly audio rewards or try something different? Would like fewer but longer audios?

Let me know your thoughts. They're so valuable to me.

All the best,





If you feel that you can handle a spicy audio every Friday then I have no complaints with that

Holden Gladden

I'm pretty happy with what you're doing now. You deliver on what you promise and it's always of good quality. I will say I like your longer audios more.

Neil Winter

I think more interaction with your audience would be a great way to get some ideas and to help keep in touch with us, sort of like you're doing now with this post. And a spicy audio every Friday? If you can pull it off, then yes please!


Loving the story heavy audio's! The charming thief, the tavern maid, more recently the gypsy. Would like to see more or further progression with those if possible.


Personally my favorite thing you do is your series and/or your fantasy RPs. I'd love to see you focus on those. I loved your most recent ones with the pirate and the gypsy, those were both stellar!


Audience interaction and longer audios seem like pretty g[d start places


one long audio, or short audios that are parts of a series 👍


You mentioned fewer but longer audios, to be honest, if anything shoukd change I'd say that would be a good idea. But keep the rest as is!


I'd agree with some of the others. If you decide to make changes, longer rps part of a series would be cool.

Jacob Griffith

As several others have said, some longer RP audios would be great.


I’d love to see an audio series following the same couple, from first meeting to first date to marriage etc


Maybe you could show us a glimpse into your everyday life. Kinda like allowing us to get to the lady behind the audio. Just an idea.


Currently your combination of short/sweet pieces and longer, story driven projects is really good right now. That said, if you wish to throw in some spicy pieces along with the short/sweet, I don't think anyone would complain, including myself. I do think you should probably stick with the personalized audio rewards for those who at that tier (mostly because I'm one of them, and have enjoyed all that I've gotten), that said, if you do wish to try something different, perhaps something easier to accomplish, I'd totally understand. All in all, though, your devotion to your patrons is the most I've yet seen, and though not all audios recently made are in my taste (granted I mostly prefer F2L things, so...), I've no complaints about how things are right now for neither here on Patreon, nor on YouTube.


Fewer but longer audios. Also maybe like one a week (if possible) for a strictly sleep designed audio

Warden D.

I enjoy the longer audios as well as the story heavy ones the most. I'd also love to see more behind the scenes kind of stuff.


I don't think anyone would argue against additional Spiciness 😉 I also invest pretty heavily in the romantic characters and really enjoy it when there's multiple chapters and follow-ups. Granted, I could listen to Friends-to-Lovers roleplays every day, but I know those aren't everybody's cup of You. My vote would be for the more down to earth romantic 8-12 minute pieces in a serialized format, with a side of regularly occurring Spiciness - but I totally understand that others enjoy more of the fantasy storylines. One quality I love and encourage more of, Tea, is your humor. You're genuinely aware and witty, and (as just a recent example) the line in I Don't Know How about "I'd kick and scream..." had me rolling. Completely unexpected, incredibly awkward, and absolutely hilarious. Whatever else you do, don't give up the funny!


I'm a quality over quantity guy so I would be more than happy to see fewer but longer audios.


Definitly for more spice! Otherwise i like the audios where you really take the time to build the story, so long videos, or, a running story in multiple, shorter episodes.


After reading a lot of comments, I think i'm in the same mind set lol. Longer story driven asmr is something I would like to see. Maybe winding the story into something spicy near the end? A climax of a climax if you will.


More spicy audios if possible. I think what you’re doing in your Patreon is great and it doesn’t need anything else. Keep up the great work 👍


I think my main issue with a lot of the content you're making is that it's too specific for me. I find that a lot of the audios don't fit me and so I don't even listen to them, like the smoking one or the body scars one. I would really want to see more generalized audios for everyone, where our character could be anyone. You should still do character stuff for you but let us feel like we could actually be the one you're talking to.


Also I'd love more non-scripted, rambly type stuff from you. One of my favorite things before was the patreon name vids where you just sat down and talked and drank your tea

Martin Morbach

I think the idea of "Spicy-Audio" weekly sound very cool. Maybe weekly is a bit heavy to realise. I think an plan like (every second Friday oe.) would help. Another idea that would be cool is: an big storyline (maybe in the spicy-region) seperated over times in archs. You Adult-content ;) is absolut awesome. I've desidet to be an supporter of your work because your "normal" -audios are very cool. But the mature stuff (spicy and also the serious content) are breathtaking.


Hi Tea, no, not annoying in any way! More a win-win situation: i think this exchange of thoughts and opinions is actually a good idea, for we are walking this road together (you and us, the community) It’s an opportunity to gain an even deeper insight of our thought and thus gaining the ability to create even better content (as you already said so yourself). As always i can speak only for myself: as a general rule i’m a friend of Quality over Quantity. Meaning i do not necessarily need a weekly upload but would favor lengthy videos / roleplays instead. For example i really, really, really liked Our First Sleepover, Let Me Draw You, What's Best For You (2) or both First timers. But let’s be honest: at the end of the day it also depends of what you can squeeze in your already tight schedule / between the daily (unpleasant) necessities of life. Aaaalthough i wouldn’t have any objections against a spicy RP here and there :-) (maybe some incorporating sex or love between two women?) And what do you think of the idea incorporating classic ASMR in some your roleplays (here and there)? I recall that you once spoke about it and iirc you feel more like classic roleplaying as an actress than an ASMRtist which is totally, totally fine! ‘t was Just an idea that crossed my mind while writing down these lines. As for the interaction: do mean the person Tea; like… interaction in a Q&A? Or interaction with your alter Ego in your Roleplays? And apologies for the lengthy post! ?-(


I personally would enjoy longer audios. I’m a big fan of the sweet pillow talk and rambling w/ kisses ‘n’ cuddles.