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So, I stayed up last night recording a really long, beautiful script. I was so happy with the delivery and the subtleties of the performance, so excited to edit the bejesus out of it this morning. I come to it and... someone had left a fan on upstairs.

Safe to say, it's all ruined. Sounds like someone is making love in a trash can.

I will try my very best to correct this mistake by the end of this weekend, find the time to re-record and edit an actual audio that isn't corrupted as fudge. And if that isn't possible, well you know you're in for a treat next week.

The old problem is still the new problem in my house - finding the bloody time, between work, commissions, my recovering family member, my dog, my mother's mental and physical health problems, my other commitments, and being with my husband who is on a completely different work schedule - it can be really frustrating when you're alotted time frame gets wasted by stupid mistakes. 

Anyway, just wanted to update you. I know this stuff happens a lot, but I want you all to know that it's not on purpose, my life is just kinda messy, and I can't see that changing anytime soon.

Apologies for the less than desirable circumstances.






Oh, doesn't it?! Thank you for understanding! πŸ’›


We get it life is bitch sometimes just take your time. The last thing we'd want is for you to overwork yourself


Bad luck this time. But we appreciate your passion anyway. ;-)


Thank you so much. I feel really bad because I think you guys would've loved the end product. But, I'll just have to try again! πŸ’›


I want to hear it! I'm curious


It's honestly not worth it. Too much static, you can barely hear my voice. But I will try again πŸ’›


I just feel bad you're original audio you worked on was ruined for you after all the effort. But for someone of you're caliber it should prove to be but a minor setback.

Richard Hardslab

I'm more bothered that the performance you were very clearly proud of went to waste like that. I absolutely believe you'll make it happen in the end and get it to us when you can, I just hate the feeling of good effort coming to little effect.


That's really kind, but I'm more concerned about getting things out for you lovely people πŸ’›


Hey, take all the time you need - everyone has the strangest setbacks.


C'mon Tea.... You know us well enough by now to know we'd understand. We're here to support and encourage, not to take and demand. And there are other artists who don't take the time to tell their patrons what's going on.... That's not you, and we appreciate it.

Warden D.

I'm sorry to hear that. Best of luck with the redo. Stay strong Tea!


So you had a recent string of bad luck, big deal don't beat yourself up over it, it always goes away. Best thing to do is just keep on keeping on.


its okay tea! we still support you. i understand being frustrated with less than desired circumstances and results, safe to say we all wont die if we have to wait a day or few more. take your time

Lance Petersen

I'm just so sorry this all seems to be happening to you. Its a string of bad luck, but you will break it, it sometime ends easier then we know. Just don't sweat it, and become to stressed out. I know you have many things going on but step back and handle them one at a time. Good luck Tea, Love you dear. πŸ€—πŸ˜˜


I don't know... I think its kinda sexy when a girl asks "Hey baby... wanna f*** in the dumpster?" ;)


Audio can be ruined so easily, you're a credit and gift to your craft, take all the time you need. Hope home life gets better as well, I know how schedule conflicts can be a strain long term, and seeing family in a bad way is heavy on the heart. Best of luck to you and youra. If you need an actual break please take one, we'll be here.


Be gentle with yourself, your doing the best you can. Got that from a fortune cookie from panda express, More of an affirmation cookie but it still applies. xD


We can wait don’t worry tea


Making love in a trash-can... and here the idea for an new RP was born :-) Well no... better not. Hi Tea, i'm so sorry to hear about your ruined video. I know you could bite yourself in the arse... or the fan to be more precise. All the time... wasted. Added to your current situation i can only image the frustration you feel right know. Personally, for me it's one of those situations i hate: not being able to help people although i know there is nothing i can do other than say that things eventually (and hopefully) soon turn for the better. I fully understand that patreon is (part of) your income but if you need a creative break or go on hiatus for a while, personally i would totally understand and support that. Things have a tendency to go south in that moment we don't need it. Take your time, stay strong and try to step back and take at breather if needed and possible - sometimes that is all that is needed to regain ones focus. [at least for me it works. Mostly :-) ]


Oscar the Grouch needs love too...