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So, I’ve had a few messages suggesting that I get a P.O. box. I was just wondering if you think it’d be a worthwhile venture?

Maybe some of you have a letter you’d like to send me, or something you think might useful in an audio, or just something weird and wonderful. Either way I think it could be a lot of fun.

Your thoughts would, as always, be most appreciated.

All my love,



It might be nice to make you something entirely traditional to send. But I would understand if you didn't. You might just end up with a lot of STUFF.


I think every content creator should have a PO Box


while i can see the benefits of doing a p.o box thing i guess its just sort of something you have to weigh out for yourself? bc they can get pricey if youre just getting a whole lot of nothing in the mail yknow?

Lance Petersen

Yes I think it's a great idea. A lot of times people want to send things ie: cards, gifts as t show of appreciation. Also a lot of creators have PO box for such a thing.

Philip Kruse

Though I havve no idea what I would send, it would be nice to have the option available.


It could be cool

Neil Winter

It can get very weird on what you might receive in a PO box as a lot of other content creators have experienced, but I think people can also send very thoughtful gifts too


You will undoubtedly get troll gifts, weird gifts, and the like, but given your content, and the amount of us, I'd like to think the good will outweigh the bad. Overall it usually turns out to be a pleasant experience from what I've seen of others with one.


Would that mean an unboxing video?


I would love to send you some teacups I've made! It's the least I could do to thank you for everything!


So long as you feel you have the space for a number of things that'd be sent to said PO box, there's nothing wrong with having one at all. Except perhaps some may send rather.. odd gifts.