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'You just wanting a bit of love? Is that it?'


Just thought you guys might appreciate a little closure on this one. We often treat sex as either this huge deal or as something to be ashamed of. When in reality, when done between two communicative, open, loving people, is just an expression of affection.

I was going for a relaxed vibe with this one. This is a couple who know each other, they're established; they have history behind them, and a little family on the horizon. Sex is only a big deal if you make it such. I just wanted to create something both true and lovely. I hope I've done that. 

Also, just so I know for future reference, which accent do you find more seductive, English or American?


All my love,



Drew Switzer

Personally it's less the accent and more the tone of the voice that makes or breaks the seduction. I find the way the words just fall from your lips in this audio truly seducing. There's no pressure, no fear, no doubt, no hidden agenda. These two people know what they want and there isn't anything holding them back. The little bits of levity are also inciting in their own way. It speaks to a complete acceptance of each other. The tone and measure of the voice is more important to me than the accent but I suppose your English accent reminds me of some of my dearest fictions so I'll give it the nod.


I think it matters more in the character having depth. Sure there is an element of charm in how you say things. But having an accent for the just for the sake of having it doesn't make the audio for me. For example, two of my favorite audios from you are The Queen and Her Protector and Do what's Best for you. I found both of those characters incredibly alluring because of how well they come together. Not just because of their accents.


I prefer the more American accent. I guess there’s something kinda unique about it? It’s more quintessentially teacup to me. English is fun every now and then too though :)


Agreed ^^


English always


Both seem to work just fine.


Both are good, but I prefer American.


I prefer English


Is there a pun I am not getting? <a href="http://theoatmeal.com/comics/sneak_peek" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://theoatmeal.com/comics/sneak_peek</a>


It's not the accent, it's the intent. Both are lovely in their own ways.


Wait, is she American or English?


Personally prefer the American, but both are great.


Well, wow okay that didn’t just hit the button, it obliterated it. American Tea is great for the love and support but British Tea, something about her just brings out those feelings of passion.