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It's Christmas. You're back in your old room in your parents home. And finally you've brought her with you.

It's all been beyond what you could've hoped for. Your mom and dad love her, you've had fun, and now everything is quiet and calm and perfect - well, almost perfect.

But you're sure as long as you're both quiet - you could remedy that quiet easily.


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio 



Damn, I was looking forward to the Beauty and Beast idea. This is still good though. Kinda annoyed the minority overturned the majority but fair enough.


The Beauty and the Beast audio is still being worked on and will happen. <3

Romeo Santiago

Any post from Teacup is a good day


Top notch submission, but...I don't know if it's just how audio works, but crunchiest duvet ever


My old bed at my mum and dad's house used to creak terribly. Any late night activity with other people in the house was frustratingly out of the question! :/


That sound you make - I don't know what you call it, I'm going to go with "contented breathy moan" - is adorable. Please upload it on a 3 hour loop, preferably with a crackling fire in the background 😅😅😅


"Cakes aside..." Me: No cake's a desert. I hate myself sometimes 😂😂😂


Please never stop with the sucking sounds on these..